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作者:丹麦语教…    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2015/5/19

Fed fest, hva'?  Cool party, huh?
Fed means fat, but in this case it is slang for cool. Hva' is short for hvad (what)

Ja, det er det.  Yes, it is. (That it is).
Vi arbejder sammen.  We work together.
The verb to work is at arbejde.
When there is a subject (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) the verb gets an r:
Jeg arbejder (I work or I am working).

This is one of the more common things to neglect, even for advanced learners, so make a special note of it.

Er du også lærer?  Are you also a teacher? (Are you also teacher?)
Professions don't get an article (a teacher)
Ja, det er jeg.  Yes, I am. (Yes, that am I)
Kommer du fra København?  Are you from Copenhagen? (Come you from Copenhagen?)
Nej, jeg er faktisk ikke dansker.  No, I'm actually not a Dane. (I am actually not Dane).
Nationalities don't get an article, either.
Er det rigtigt?  Really? (Is it real/really?)
Det er spændende!  That's great/exciting!
Spændende (exciting) is very commonly used, even for things you might find much less than exciting.
Hvor længe har du været i Danmark?
Jeg har været her i næsten tre måneder.  How long have you been in Denmark?
I have been here for almost 3 months.
The perfect tenses (have lived, has been, had seen) are very similar to English.
Men du taler da flot dansk!  But you speak fine/very good Danish.
In this case da is used to add emphasis to the expression. Danish has many such small words.
Det er en lille by.  It is a small town.
Many names of British towns are derived from by (town). For example: Grimsby, Whitby, Crosby, Rugby
By-law also originates here.
Hvad med dig?  How about you? (What with you?)


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