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作者:xueyiyu    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2017/2/13

意大利语共有5个清子音( p,t,f,c,s ),发音时与其对应的浊子音( b,d,v,g,z )发音部位相同。

  意大利语子音 举例

  b [波] bimba [病把],bici [必器],pepe [贝贝]

  c [哥] 在a, o, u 前,casa [嘎日阿],come [锅梅],culo [故罗]

  c [妻] 在i或e前,circa [器了嘎],cena [切拿]

  d [德] ditta [地达],duro [度若],dato [大多]

  f [抚] fuso [副若],farfallo [发了发罗],filo [飞罗]

  g [哥] 在a, o, u 前,gatto [嘎多],gusto [故司多],gambe [嘎母贝]

  g [机] 在i或e前,giro [季若],gesso [捷索]giusto [季乌司多],h 不发音

  l [勒] lato [拉多], loro [络若],lusso [露索]

  m [母] matto [骂多],mila [米拉],mela [梅拉]

  n [恩] nato [那多],nino [尼诺],nudo [怒多]

  p [普] prato [普拉多],pero [贝若],puro [布若]

  q [哥] acqua [阿瓜],qui [贵]

  r [日] raro [日阿若],russo [入索]

  s [司] passato [帕萨多],sugo [苏果]

  s [热] 在两元音之间,fusa [付日阿],caso [嘎热窝]

  t [得] tutto [度 多],ti [地]

  v [五] vero [为若],vita [为达]

  z [兹] pizza [必杂],zaino [杂衣诺],zampa [杂母巴]+

The approximate English equivalents for these consonants are as follows:
c-C: This consonant has two pronunciations:
When "c" is followed by "a", "o", "u" or any consonant you pronounce it as in the English word Cat. It sounds like the English k. Example:

Casa  »  house.
Credere v to think, believe.
Con  »  with.
Colesseo  »  Colosseum.
Capo  »  head.
Cupido  »  Cupid.
Cane  »  dog.
Camera  »  camera.
Caffè  »  coffee.
When "c" is followed by "e" or "i" you pronounce it as you do the first and last sound in the English word Church, or like the English sound ch in chest. Examples:

Cena  »  supper.
Voce  »  voice.
Cibo  »  food.
Concerto  »  concert.
Aceto  »  vinegar.
Cinema  »  cinema
Cipolla  »  onion.
d-D: This consonant is somewhat more explosive than in English, with the tongue near the tip of the upper teeth but with no aspiration. Examples:
Di  »  of.
Dove  »  where.
Due  »  two.
Denaro  »  money.
Dodici  »  twelve.
Donna  »  woman.
Lunedì  »  Monday.
Moda  »  fashion.
Undici  »  eleven.
g-G: This consonant has two pronunciations:
When g is followed by "a", "o", "u", or any consonant, you pronounce it as you pronounce the g in the English word "good", or like "go". Examples:

Albergo  »  hotel.
Gamba  »  leg.
Gusto  »  taste.
Fungo  »  mushroom.
Gonna  »  skirt.
Gomma  »  eraser.
Lungo  »  long.
Guanti  »  gloves.
Guidare  »  to drive.
Lingua  »  tongue.
When g is followed by "e" or "i", you pronounce it as you do the first sound in the English word job or like the "g" in gem. Examples:

Gelato  »  ice cream.
Angelo  »  angel.
Pagina  »  page.
Gente  »  people.
Gesso  »  chalk.
Gentile  »  kind.
Gita  »  outing.
Gennaio  »  January.

