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作者:佚名    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2015-7-5

英文阅览:考试周finals week
No one ever said finals week is easy. Late-night cramming accompanied by cup after cup of coffee can take its toll on your body, not to mention all of the test stress. But while you strive to review as many books as possible to prepare for your test, don’t forget your health. After all, if you’re sick and uncomfortable during your tests, every effort you’ve made might be in vain. Here are some tips on dieting, dressing and sleeping you can follow to stay energized as you wrangle your finals.


Food and drink

The most important thing to remember about eating and drinking is to do just that: eat and drink. It’s easy to forget in the midst of intense studying, but your brain needs sustenance if you have any hope of retaining information.

1. Eat healthily and regularly

Grabbing an Orion cake from the vending machine is tempting, but it’s important to stick to fresher, more nutritious foods. A banana or orange with some trail mix or yogurt will fill you up better than junk food. Don’t disrupt your food schedule too much and freak your body out. Eat a wholesome breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the same times you always do.

2. Avoid take-out and junk food

It’s easy to chow down on greasy take-out and fast food sparingly. But it could also leave you feeling uneasy in the end. Instead, reward yourself once finals are over.

3. Stay hydrated

Drink plenty of water, and then drink some more. Nothing else will help your mind stay clear and keep your energy levels high. Sugary soft drinks will do no good. Spice up your water with fruits like lemon, or swap it for unsweetened flavorful tea, which rehydrates just as well as water.

4. Moderate caffeine intake from coffee and energy drinks

Everyone could use a quick energy boost, but too big of a buzz could leave you feeling anxious, unable to sleep or focus. The last place you need to experience caffeine withdrawal is in the middle of your exam.


In addition to eating and drinking, it’s also important how you dress for exams.

1. Layer up

As temperatures and humidity rise, you’ll want to stick to something short-sleeved as a top, whether it’s a flowing graphic tank top or a comfy T-shirt. That said, it could get chilly in the café or exam room if the air conditioner is cranked up to compensate for the weather outside. Be sure to throw your favorite hoodie or oversized cardigan into your bag to make sure you’re not shivering by the time you get to Question 8.

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