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作者:佚名    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2016-11-4


The past week must have been terrible for Hillary Clinton, the US presidential candidate for the Democratic Party. FBI Director James Comey made it known on Oct 28 that his *bureau was to re-open its investigation against Clinton over her so-called e-mail scandal.
关于美国民主党总统提名人、希拉里•克林顿来说,曩昔的一周好像噩梦一般。10月28日,美国联邦查询局 (FBI) 局长詹姆斯•科米揭露宣告,当局将再次对希拉里“邮件门”事情打开查询。

The incident concerns Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server while serving as US Secretary of State, found by the State Department inspector general not to comply with government security rules. The case was first revealed in the winter of 2015, but an FBI investigation initially concluded that no “reasonable *prosecutor” would bring a criminal case against Hillary Clinton over the incident.

However, the FBI has announced that it has discovered new e-mails “in connection with an unrelated case ... that appear to be pertinent to the investigation.” Some people assume it relates to the *inquiry into former New York congressman Anthony Weiner’s *alleged sexting relationship with a 15-year-old girl. The new e-mails were found on a computer belonging to Weiner and his wife, top Clinton aide Huma Abedin, according to the Washington Post.

The new twist comes just days before the presidential election, which is due to take place on Nov 8.

“It could be nothing. It could be everything. And it almost certainly won’t be resolved before Americans head to the polls but it will energize her enemies and put her allies on the defensive,” wrote Anthony Zurcher of the BBC.

And that’s not the only “e-mail scandal” that may be causing Hillary and her team stress in the final *countdown to the election.

Since early October, WikiLeaks has been publishing thousands of e-mails that were allegedly stolen from the account of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman. The e-mails include potentially damning information, from Clinton allegedly mocking Catholics to how a close Bill Clinton aide supposedly helped the couple *rake in millions. But *mainstream media haven’t paid much attention to the *purported leaks, with some believing the e-mails simply show a politician acting political.


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