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作者:英文介绍…    文章来历:国家安全    更新时刻:2017-4-29


What does a spy look like?

Many might think of British super spy James Bond: They are cool, drive fast cars and only exist in novels and films. However, the truth is that spies could be all around us and we may not even realize.

News website china.com told the story of a taxi driver, Qin Xiao (not her real name). One day, two foreign “tourists” rode in her taxi to many places of interest. But along the way, the men always took photos of military facilities (设备). Alerted (警惕的) by the pair’s strange behavior, Qin reported their actions to the police. It turned out that the two men were spies sent from overseas.



However, not everyone is as watchful as Qin. According to a recent survey carried out by Legal Daily, 90 percent of respondents have no idea about the country’s national security system, and 33 percent have never received national security education.

“Influenced by my father who is a military fan, I like to read information about the military on the internet,”a Beijing woman surnamed Jia, who works for an internet company, told Legal Daily. “But that’s all I know about national security.”

To raise public awareness of national security, China launched its first National Security Education Day last year. The second National Security Education Day came on April 15 this year.

National security is made up of 11 areas – including cyberspace (网络), culture and information – according to the National Security Law, which was passed in 2015. The law also says that each citizen has a duty to protect national security.

Last year, China set up a national anti-espionage (反特务) hotline, 12339, which citizens can dial to report suspected (有嫌疑的) spies.

On April 10, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of State Security announced that rewards of up to 500,000 yuan are on offer to encourage citizens to report foreign spies.

“After all, national security is about the security of the people,” Mo Jihong, deputy director of Institute of Law of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told Xinhua News Agency. “National security is closely linked with every individual’s security. To safeguard national security is to safeguard the citizens’ security, and such work also needs support from the citizens.”


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