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作者:AAA    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2017-6-17


30 年前,他来到加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学,取得全额奖学金攻读音乐系硕士。

20 年前,结业即赋闲,在音乐公司创业失利、做过披萨外卖员之后,他回国参加新东方。

10 年前,新东方上市之后,他回身成为“榜首天使”,协助有志趣创业的年轻人完成自己的愿望。

30 年后,他回到母校萨斯喀彻温大学,被颁发荣誉法学博士学位,并以导师大卫·卡普兰博士命名、捐献建立音乐系奖学金和音乐系首席讲师。

在 6 月 7 日举行的结业典礼上,他与结业生们共享了这一系列跌宕起伏的人生阅历留给他最名贵的成功诀窍—— “生命以获取而续存,却因给予而茂盛”。



敬重的校监 Romanow 先生、校长 Stoicheff 先生、政府代表、到会嘉宾、教师代表、结业生、朋友、女士们、先生们:


Ladies and gentlemen. Chancellor Romanow, President Stoicheff, government representatives, distinguished guests, members of the faculty, graduates and friends: This honor means everything to me. I am truly grateful. Thank you so very much.


我的新学位使我成为了 2017 年结业生中荣耀的一员。在这个夸姣的日子里,请答应我向各位同学们,以及你们的家人、朋友们献上一句简略的祝愿,我要向你们了不得的成果表明热烈祝贺!

My new degree makes me a proud member of this Class of 2017. To my classmates, your parents, your families, may I offer a simple message: For the great achievement you share on this wonderful day, Congratulations!


For me, it is especially flattering to be called a Doctor of Laws.  Let me tell you why.  Long ago, after I earned my Master’s Degree in music, I still didn’t know what to do. So I considered studying at the College of Law.  I attended exactly one class, in contract law.  Right then and there, I knew that law school just wasn’t for me. One class – and yet here I am with this beautiful, impressive degree as a Doctor of Laws.  Those of you graduating from the law school today, who worked and struggled for your degrees, would be entitled to reflect that life is not always fair.



Sometimes we get more than we deserve. I know this, because it is how I have always felt, about what I received from the University of Saskatchewan. The university has honored me, but really, I am here today to honor the university.

30 年前的 1987 年,我和我妻子和我决议走出国门,看看外边的国际。假如你在北京的地下室住过,巴望换一种景色,没有什么比加拿大广阔的草原风景,会给你带来更震慑的体会(笑声)。

Exactly thirty years ago in 1987, my wife Ling and I decided that we were ready to see the world beyond China. If you had lived in a basement in Beijing, and desire a change of scenery, it doesn’t get any more different than the Canadian prairie.


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