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作者:佚名    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2019/2/16

 When and where do you think we will find extraterrestrial life? 你以为咱们会在何时何地发现外星生命?
  “If there is abundant microbial life on Mars, I suspect that we will find it within 20 years—if it is enough like our form of life. If an alien life-form differs much from what we have here on Earth, it is going to be difficult to detect. It’s also possible that any surviving Martian microbes are rare and located in places that are difficult for a robotic lander to reach. Jupiter’s moon Europa and Saturn’s moon Titan5) are more compelling places. Europa is a water world where more complex forms of life may have evolved. And Titan is probably the most interesting place in the solar system to look for life. It is rich in organic molecules but very cold and has no liquid water; if life exists on Titan, it will be very different from life on Earth.”
  —Carol E. Cleland, philosophy professor at the University of Colorado Boulder




