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作者:佚名    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2016-11-7

The Smith family went camping in Yosemite National Park in northern California. They found a beautiful place near a stream, and they set up their tent and started a fire. Mr. Smith left to search for more fire wood. When he returned, he saw his wife and son up in a tree. A mother bear was roasting(烘烤) hot dogs over the campfire and a cub was sleeping in a sleeping bag. The mother bear roared when she saw Mr. Smith. He was so afraid that he climbed up the same tree that held his wife and son. Do you think this is a true story?

Silly Bear Story
  A. True or False
  1. ________ Yosemite National Park is in California.
  2. ________ A cub is a baby bear.
  3. ________ In the picture, the mother bear is sitting on a log.
  4. ________ The Smith family is afraid of bears.
  5. ________ Bears can roast hot dogs over campfires.
  B. Yes or No What about you?
  1. ________ I have been to a National Park.
  2. ________ I am afraid of bears.
  3. ________ I like to go camping.
  4. ________ I like to eat hot dogs that are cooked outside.
  5. ________ I have a pet.

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