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作者:佚名    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2017-5-21

1.十分very much
2.在英国in the UK
3.在这张照片中in this picture
4.驾驭公共汽车drive a bus
5.一名笛子演奏者a flute player
6.演奏我国音乐play Chinese music     
7.吹笛子play the flute
8.在办公室里in an office
9.在工厂里in a factory
10.在医院in a hospital
11.在商店里in a shop
12.一个美好的家庭a happy family
13.在农场 on a farm     

1.She was a driver before. 她曾经是一名司机。
2.He was a flute player before. 他曾经是一名笛子演奏者。
3.What did she drive? She drove a bus. 她曩昔驾驭什么车?她曩昔驾驭公共汽车。
4.What music did he play? He played Chinese music. 他曩昔演奏什么音乐?他曩昔演奏我国音乐。 。  5.This is my grandpa. He worked in an office. 这是我的爷爷。他曩昔在办公室里工 作。
6.This is my grandma. She worked in a factory. 这是我的奶奶。她曩昔在工厂里作业。     
7.This is my father. He works in a hospital. 这是我的爸爸。他现在医院里作业。
8.This is my mother. She works in a shop. 这是我的妈妈。她现在在商店里作业。
9.We are a happy family. 咱们是一个美好的家庭。     
10.What do you do?I’m a teacher. 你是做什么作业的? 我是一名教师。
11.What does he do? He is a firefighter. 他是做什么作业的?他是一名消防员。
12.What does she do? She is a writer. 她是做什么作业的?她是一名作家。      1
3.What did he do ? He was a policeman. 他曾经是做什么作业的? 他曾经是一名差人。     
14.Where does he work? He works on a farm. 他现在在哪里作业?他在农场作业?
15.Where did she work? She worked in an office. 她曩昔在哪里作业?她曩昔在办公室 里作业。

1.一封电子邮件 an email
2.一顿英式早餐 an English breakfast
3.吃三明治 have sandwiches
4.一道传统的英式菜肴 a traditional English dish
5.吃早饭 have breakfast
6.吃午饭 have lunch
7.吃晚饭 have dinner     
8.吃鸡肉 eat chicken
9.炸鱼加炸薯条 fish and chips
10.在十二点半 at half past twelve
11.在六点半 at half past six
12.在七点 at seven o’clock    


 1.What did she have for breakfast? 她早饭吃了什么?
She had eggs and sausages. 她吃了鸡蛋和腊肠。
 2.What did she have for dinner? 她晚饭吃了什么?
She had fish and chips. 她吃了炸鱼和炸薯条。     
3.It’s a traditional English dish. 它是一道传统的英式菜肴
 4.I’ve got an email from Lingling. 我收到一封来自玲玲的电子邮件。
5.She says it’s delicious. 她说十分好吃。    
 6.When does Sam have breakfast? Sam什么时候吃早饭?
He has breakfast at seven o’clock. 他在7点钟吃早饭。
7.Lunch is usually at half past twelve. 午饭一般在12点半。
8.Daming usually has meat,vegetables and rice for dinner. 大明晚饭一般吃肉,蔬菜,米饭。     

1.take a look 看一看
2.on the computer 在电脑上
3.show them to you 把它们给你看
4.lots of 许多
5.library card 借书卡
6.give the books back 偿还书
7.in two weeks 在两周之内
8.at the library 在图书馆     
9.borrow...from... 从......借......
10.lots of things 许多事情
11.in libraries 在图书馆
12.borrow books 借书
13.use the computers 运用电脑
14.do your homework 做你的作业
15.talk to your friends 与你的朋友谈 话


1.It's a present for you. 它是给你的一份礼物
2.Have you got the Harry Potter DVD 你有《哈利.波特》的数字化视频光盘吗
3.I'll look on the computer. 我将会在电脑上看一看。
4.We haven't got the DVDs. 咱们没有数字化视频光盘。
5.I'll show them to you. 我将把它们给你看。     
6.You've got lots of Harry Potter books here. 你这儿有许多《哈利.波特》的书。
7.Children in China like Harry Potter,too. 在我国的孩子也喜爱《哈利.波特》。
8.Please give the books back in two weeeks. 请在两周之内偿还书。     
9.Excuse me. Have you got Maths for Children? 打扰一下。你有《儿童数学》吗? Yes, I have. No, I haven't. 是的,我有。不,我没有。
10.You can borrow books from here. 你能从这儿借书。
11.You can do lots of things in libraries. 你能在图书馆里做许多事情。     
12.You can use the computers. 你能运用电脑。
13.But you can't talk to your friends. 可是你不能与你的朋友说话。
14.Can I have some sweets, please? 请问,我能吃一些糖块吗?
15.You can see the animals in a zoo. 你能在动物园里看动物。


1.ride a bike 骑自行车
2.fly a kite 放风筝
3.live in 住在
4.American chocolate 美国巧克力
5.send you an English book 寄给你一本书     
6.go swimming去游水
7.go skiing 去滑雪
 8.on the tree 在树上
9.wear shorts 穿短裤
10.play with the snow 玩雪
11.wear gloves 戴手套     


1.I sent you a maths game. Did you get it ? 我给你寄了一套数学游戏。你收到了吗?
2.I sent you English books. Did you read them? 我给你寄了书。你读了吗?
3.I read them.They are interesting. 我读了。它们很风趣。     
4.I sent you American chocolate. Did you eat it ? 我给你寄了美国巧克力。你吃了吗?
5.Yes, I ate some of it. It was delicious. 是的,我吃了一些。它很甘旨。
6.My favourite season is spring. It's warm. 我最喜爱的时节是春天。它很温暖。     
7.I can go swimming in summer. I love swimming with my mother. 我能够在夏天游水。我喜爱和妈妈游水。
8.There are flowers on the trees. 树上有花。
9.I can see ducks in the river. 我能够在河里看见鸭子。     
10.The leaves fall from the trees. 树叶从树上落下来。
11.I love autumn. It's cool. 我爱秋天。它很凉快。
12.I can play with the snow. I can wear gloves. 我能够玩雪。我能够戴手套。     


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