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习语have egg on your face

作者:佚名    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2016-8-22

egg on one’s face   “有蛋在脸上”,这是什么意思。 别急,看了注释, 你天然就会理解: You have egg on your face  if you've said  or done something wrong, and it's made you feel embarrassed or stupid.   本来这个习语是指一个人说错了话或做错完事,他会感到很为难,很为难。

egg on one’s face


关于这个习语的来历大致有两个版别:一是说扮演、讲演的人不受欢迎,被人抛鸡蛋击中脸,因而脸上有了鸡蛋,好不“丢人”;另一说法是,吃早餐后,嘴边没有擦洁净, 留有鸡蛋黄就去上班或就事, 让人瞧见好不“为难”。 总归,egg on one's face 的根本意思是 “to be embarrassed (为难)”。其实,在中文中有很多词语可用以表明  egg on one’s face  的意思,  如:“出洋相”、“出丑”、“没体面”、“脸上无光”、“丢人”,“为难”、“为难”等等。


● egg on one’s face 一般置于动词 have 之后,即:have egg on one’s face。

 have egg on your face

 1)If I make a slip during the performance, I'll have egg all over my face.


 2)Jim really had egg on his face after he lost the bicycle race to a 10 year

    old girl. Jim在竞赛中输给了一个10岁的女孩,他感到很没体面。

 3)She doesn't let him have egg on his face in public.


 4)Tom still has egg on his face after his jeans fell down in front of the



 5)The police force had egg on its face because they arrested and beat up an

    innocent guy who had the same name as a suspect they were looking for.



 6)Stan had egg on his face after saying he could easily do fifty push-ups,

    and then giving up after doing just twenty.


 7)I once made a rather foolish mistake before before my colleagues at the

    office. I really  had egg on my face.




egg on my face

● egg on one’s face 也可置于介词 with 之后,即 with egg on one’s



 1)This latest scandal has left him with egg on its face.


 2)People who supported him came away with egg on their faces.


 3)If you promise that and can't deliver it, you'll end up with egg on

    your face.



● 假如 get egg on his face,表明自己让自己为难、丢人。


 1)Steve didn't expect to win. He just didn't want to get egg on his face.


 2)No one wants to get egg on his face by having saying something wrong on

    such occation.



尽管有些人使用鸡蛋护肤美容,但没人期望被外人看到脸上流着鸡蛋的姿态。成语“have egg on your face 脸上有鸡蛋”的实践意义是描述一个人处在为难、为难不堪的状况中。咱们也可以说 be left with egg on your face,意思是相同的。留意这两个表达都是非正式的白话表达。

I was left with egg on my face when the lecturer discovered I had copied parts of my essay from the internet.

The company was left with egg on its face when their latest software was found to contain a virus.

I don’t want to end up with egg on my face so I’m going to prepare thoroughly for the presentation.

”Teach your grandmother to suck eggs 教你的祖母怎样吃鸡蛋”这个表达的实践意思是布鼓雷门,在行家面前自不量力、做作身手。

Don’t teach your grandmother to suck eggs. Pete has been baking for years, he doesn’t need your advice.

She’s a professional, giving her tips would be like teaching your grandmother to suck eggs.


习语have egg on your face
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