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作者:佚名    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2017-4-11

我国哲学词汇英译 无为 五行
无 为Non-action
  Wuwei (non-action) refers to a state of action. Daoism contrasts “action” to “nonaction.” “Action” generally means that the rulers impose their will on others or the world without showing any respect for or following the intrinsic(內在的)nature of things. “Non-action” is the opposite of “action,”and has three main points: 1) through self-control containing the desire to interfere; 2) following the nature of all things and the people; and 3) bringing into play the initiative of all things and people. “Non-action” does not mean not doing anything, but is a wiser way of doing things. Non-action leads to the result of getting everything done.
  引例 Citations:
  Sages deal with things through non-action and teach ordinary people through non-speech. (Laozi)
  Dao always makes all things possible through noninterference with them.


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