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习惯用语:Acid test

作者:佚名    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2012-3-6

美国习惯用语Acid test
Meaning 意思
A sure test, giving an incontestable result.

 1.决定性的检测 2.酸性试验 3.严峻的检测
速动比率Acid-test ratio(Quick ratio),即酸性检验比率,用以检测企业在短期内可变现归还活动负债的才能。速动比率越高,表明企业短期偿债才能越佳。核算方法为:速动比率=速动财物/ 活动负债。
Acid test是一种快速测验的试验,犹如测验某化学液体的酸性程度,将酸碱指示剂混入所需求测验的液体,色彩会跟着其酸碱性而变。

Acid test 

Origin 来源
In the California Gold Rush in the second half of the 19th century, prospectors and dealers needed to be able to distinguish gold from base metal. Gold doesn't react to most acids as other metals do, although it does dissolve in Aqua regia (a mixture of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid). To confirm that a find was gold it was given 'the acid test'. Various other tests can be made by the use of acid and these are all called 'acid tests'.

The earliest citation I have found of a figurative use of the phrase (i.e. one where no actual acid is referred to) is from the Wisconsin paper The Columbia Reporter, November 1845:

"Twenty-four years of service demonstrates his ability to stand the acid test, as Gibson’s Soap Polish has done for over thirty years."

A punning variant of the term arose in the 1960s hippy community. The 'acid test' in that context determined whether users could cope with the psychological demands of taking the drug LSD (lysergic acid diethylamid) or simply 'acid'. This is cited in Maurer and Vogel's Narcotics and Narcotic Addiction, 1967:

"A common phrase amongst [LSD] users is 'can you pass the acid test?'"


习惯用语:Acid test