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作者:不知道    文章来历:习语    更新时刻:2017-1-14

off limits
例句Here he had been taken backstage, off limits for tourists Ishmael Young had been enamored of the FBI files.

grand slam :
 意思是成功或成功。( a victory or a great success )
( 原指桥牌的满贯,或球赛的全胜,现可指其他方面)
The merger of the two companies was a grand slam for the share-holders.
A grand slam in one's life may create jealousy among friends and associates.
Mr. A had a grand-slam year with his promotion and wedding.
His first book was a grand slam for the publishing company.
Mr. Gates has many grand slams in his computer business.
( Gates 先生在电脑企业中有许多成果。)

golden handcuffs:
    这儿所谓“金手铐”,是指职工假如辞去职务,就会失掉许多福利和优点。(An employee may lose financial benefits if she/he quits the job.)
Don't quit your job in a huff; you have to consider your golden handcuffs.
Through the use of golden handcuffs, this company may be able to keep its employees.
Because of golden handcuffs, he will not leave the company soon.

   1. Head Start
   假如这两个字最初的字母是大写,则连在一同是一个专有名词,指的是美国政府为赤贫或弱智的儿童建立的一种练习组织,协助他们,期望他们在进小学之前能赶上教学进度。也便是:U.S . government tries to give extra - help for those underprivileged children before entering first grade. (underprivileged 比poor 更含蓄些)
例如:Many poor parents send their children to Head Start.
  可是假如head start的字母是小写,那么便是一般名词了,是指比別人早着手,或抢先、有利,即:advance start or advantage
例如:To know more colloquial expressions is a head start in learning English. (了解更多的俗话对学习有优点。)
  2. blue blood
  是指有钱人或身世大族的人 (rich or wealthy people)
  Some people do not want to admit that they have blue blood. (有些人不肯供认自己是大族身世。)
  Many blue blooded children attend this private school. (许多有钱人家的孩子就读这所私立学校。)
  3. bed of roses
  意思是左右逢源的境遇;夸姣、抱负的"安乐窝"(everything seems to be wonderful)
  例如:Life is not always a bed of roses. (日子未必都是左右逢源的。)
  4. from soup to nuts
  This store sells everything from soup to nuts. (这家商铺出售的货品一应俱全。)
  My office is supplied from soup to nuts. (我工作室里的用品非常完全。)
  可是假如指常识丰厚的话,则不必这个词,而是一般用 from A to Z来表达,。
  Mr. Greenspan knows economics from A to Z. (格林斯潘先生在经济方面的常识非常丰厚。)
  5. off-limits
  意思是制止入內;约束进出或禁绝运用,也便是封闭 (closed or not available)
  The library will be off-limits to the public until re-carpeting project is completed. (新地毯铺好之前,图书馆闭馆。)
  The teachers have the use of a john that is off-limits to students.(学生不得运用教师厕所。) (john小写的时分才是指厕所。)
  6. real bomb
  在口语里是指在大众场所或舞台上扮演失利或体现欠佳。一般与 real用在一同。
  The show was a real bomb, so I cut out early. (这个剧很糟糕,所以我提早离场了。cut out = leave)
  假如 bomb 作名词用,意思便是炸弹;作动词,则是轰炸,或失利、极坏的意思。(very bad)
  A U.S. fighter dropped a bomb over Iraq. (一架美国轰炸机往伊拉克扔了一颗炸弹)
  (作名词)= A U.S. fighter bombed Iraq. (作动词)
  值得注意的是:"real bomb"有時也指"真实的炸弹"。
  The police found a real bomb in the building. (差人在建筑物中发现了一颗真炸弹)


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