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作者:美剧    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2017-6-18

Silicon Valley, the heart of the American tech industry, has given Hollywood endless ideas for movies and TV shows. Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs has been the subject of two movies and one documentary, while the story of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was told in a 2010 film, for instance.

But Silicon Valley has much more to it than that. As The Huffington Post reported, the TV series Silicon Valley finally gives tech culture the comedy it deserves. The show is currently airing its fourth season, with The Guardian calling it “the best and only comedy you should be watching”. It has a score of 9.1 points on Douban, an influential rating and review online platform.

Silicon Valley follows a group of programmers trying to create the next big thing in Silicon Valley. Richard Hendricks, the show’s lead character, is shy and socially awkward. But he quickly becomes a superstar after he creates some clever new software. He decides to turn his idea into a company, which is when all the drama begins.

Unlike The Big Bang Theory (《日子大爆炸》), Silicon Valley “does not set out to embarrass its nerds but rather to empower them”, wrote US newspaper The Diamondback. “Richard’s decision to set up his own company separates the show from the typical depiction of nerds on TV.”
与电视剧《日子大爆炸》不同的是,《硅谷》“并不计划埋汰剧中的书呆子们,而是赋予他们力气”,美国报纸《The Diamondback》写道。“理查德决议建立自己的公司,从这一点来看,该剧就有别于那些电视上典型的书呆子形象。”


According to TV review website IndieWire, the show provides an accurate portrayal of an industry that’s not seen very often on screens. “It presents a world where failure is common and success is hard-won. It’s a place where even the guy working at the liquor store has an idea for a mobile app,” it wrote.

But a look into the world of Silicon Valley isn’t all the show offers. It focuses on the latest trends of “startups, software and apps, which gives it a modern feel,” wrote The Independent. “The series displays the power that the tech industry now has.”

A rising number of college students are choosing to major in computer science. Around graduation season, many of them go to California to begin their own startups and hope to get rich from their high-tech skills.

The show’s creator, Mike Judge, is a former Silicon Valley programmer himself. “If you’re in Wall Street, you’re kind of unashamed about how much money you’re making,” Judge said. “But in the tech world, it’s not enough to be making money – you’ve also got to be saving the world,” he told The Guardian.
该剧的编剧,迈克·乔吉,自己就曾是一名硅谷程序员。“假如你在华尔街作业,对自己所挣的钱你一点也不难为情,”乔吉说道。“但在科技的国际里,光挣钱是不行的—— 你还得解救国际。”他在承受《卫报》采访时表明。


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