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作者:    文章来历:中考    更新时刻:2007-8-20
  Plagiarism is a new word I come across in the dictionary. It means cheating in the test. It is a dishonest act to cheat in test. I hate the person who cheats, for it makes the test fail to achieve right evaluation2. The result will be unfair to those students who have been hard-working, and are expected to come out on the top in the class.
   Someone cheats in order to get good marks in important exams. It is a shame to test, if such thing happens. I think strict rules should be in place3 to keep such things from happening.
   Plagiarism means the breaking of the rules. It is contrary to the agreed rule. It should not be allowed in the test. Since the childhood, we have been taught the importance of the honest behavior. In nature the one who cheats is the same as a burglar4 who breaks into other's houseandtakesthingswithout permission.It is a moral problem. One cannot be expected to be a good person if he cheats in test, for he is dishonest. In foreign countries such a conduct will be seriously punished. It often happens that the person who cheats will have to stop studying in a school or university. Cheating is a bad habit, for it affects one in his habit of doing things. He may develop the same conduct in his later job or life. He cannot be trusted for he may cheat in the job he does. It is likely that he turns his back on those whom he is cooperating with.
   We must not learn from those who pass the test by dishonest means. There is nothing to congratulate. He may pass once, but he cannot be expected to succeed every time. We must learn to achieve success by hard work, and learn to keep good behavior, for in test many of our qualities are tested. It is the test on how well we study, and it is also a test on our moral behavior. The test score is important, but that is important only if it is true. The false score cannot endure5 long.
  1. plagiarism n.抄袭
  2. evaluationn. 点评
  3. in place prep. phr. 在恰当的方位
  4. burglar n. 窃贼
  5. endure vi. 耐久
  On Test
  Do you like test? Do you think test is the most important thing for all the students? Some may answer yes; others may say no. It's a hard case to decide. In my view test is important. It is a necessary part of our school system.
  It's a way to test students on how well or bad they have been at their study.It proves to be one of the mosteffective1ways to evaluate2 schools or teachers. Most of the good students are good at test. The test score3 is an important thing to you. It is closely con- nected to your future. It will decide whether you go to a good school or bad school or you be accepted by a university4.
   But I think we depend too much on the test. In some way test restricts5 one in his study. He is given less freedom and less choice. Surely many famous men are not good at tests. They got creative mind and came out to be excellent men although they don't score high in the test. The first important thing is to have ability. One thing we have to bear in mind is that test is only the means. It's not the purpose.
  1. effectiveadj. 有用的
  2. evaluatevt. 点评
  3. scoren. 分数;得分
  4. universityn. 大学
  5. restrictvt. 约束
  Better Understanding BetweenTeachers and Students
  Now I think there is a lack1 of understanding between teachers and students. They disagree with each other on many things. The important thing is to communicate with each other, so that they can understand each other better.
  On the one hand, teachers do their best to push2 students so that they will come out excellent in their studies. They are in turn pushed by the need of competition in the whole society. They work hard correcting homework and marking the test papers. They work ten hours a day. They hope that students will do good in all examinations.
  Students, however, feel that they are burdened3 with all kinds of homework.Because of all kinds of examinations,students spend about eight hours in their classrooms everyday. At home they are left no time to do what they like. At night most of them do not have enough time to sleep. Quite a number of students are short-sighted4 because of long hours of reading.
  The misunderstandings between teachers and students arise because of the differences. Each has the reason. Teachers are regretting that students do not work hard enough. Students are complaining about the hard work.
  Nowadays I see solution lies in5 the communication. Teachers should open their ears, and develop a more effective way of teaching. Students will be interested in their class and lessons. If they think that study is not a boring job, but a fun, they will be happy about it. Students on the other hand, should tell your difficulties to teachers. Teachers will then know what trouble you have, and may push you less hard, and help you more with your lesson. In such a case, a better understanding between the two parties can be achieved.
  1.lackn. 缺少
  2. push vt. 鼓舞
  3. burdenvt. 担负
  4. short-sighted adj. 近视的
  5. lie in v. phr. 在于

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