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作者:闵 娜 …    文章来历:高三    更新时刻:2009-5-11

  1. 电子词典 electronic dictionary;传统词典 paper dictionary
  2. 字数120字左右。
  ① 开端语
  ② 电子词典的优缺陷
  ③ 传统词典的优缺陷
  ④ 自己的观念
  2. 【学生习作】
  Dear editor,
  Nowaday, with the rapid development of science and advertisements’ recommendation, electronic dictionary is popular with more and more sendents,① take the place of paper dictionary.
  As we all know, the electronic dictionary is very small and easy to carry, which makes it convenient for us to search for what we want. What’s more, it can② make voice. However, it has its own disadvantages as well. For example, the price is③ expensive and we may damage it if we use it improperly. Besides, examples in it are not enough.
  Compared with it, the paper dictionary is cheaper and contains more examples. In addition, we can keep it longer. But it’s very big and we have to spend more time④ looking for the words.
  In my opinion, both have their own strengths and weaknesses. We can use the dictionary based on our different situations and make the most of it.
  3. 【专家点评】
  ① as we all know, what’s more, in addition等连词
  ② ... which makes it convenient ...
  ③ recommendation, strengths and weaknesses
  ① take the place of应改为taking the place of。此为结构过错,运用现在分词短语作成果状语。
  ② ... can make voice应改为provide sounds。此为词语误用,voice指嗓音,sound指动静。
  ③ expensive应改为high。此为调配不妥,此句主语为price,“价格”应该调配“高”。
  ④ looking for应改为looking up或consulting或referring to。此为词语误用,look for“寻觅”,look up “查找”。
  (4) 如虎添翼
  ① 习作顶用 ... strong recommendation也可用widespread promotion。
  ② ... contains more examples也可用 ...contains abundant examples。
  ① 在表达“查找很便利”后可加一句Stndents can get the needed information in a few seconds by pressing several keys.。
  ② 在最终一段的总结中,还可增加Every coin has two sides.。
  4. 【参阅范文】
  Dear editor,
  Nowadays, a new hi-tech product, the electronic dictionary is becoming more and more popular among us students with the widespread promotion. The paper dictionary has to give way to the new one.
  In the students’ eyes, the electronic dictionary is easy to carry and convenient to use. Students can get the needed information in a few seconds by pressing several keys. Some dictionanies can also provide sounds as well as written information. However, the dictionary is expensive and easy to break down. And there’re not enough examples.
  Compared with it, the paper dictionary takes up too much space and usually takes the users a long time to consult. But it’s cheap and lasts long. It also provides the users with abundant examples.
  Every coin has two sides. In my opinion, we should combine the two kinds of dictionanries and make full use of them.
  Yours sincerely,
  5. 【范文背诵】
  popular, promotion, give way to, easy, convenient, press, provide, expensive, break down, example, compare with, take up, cheap, last, combine.
  6. 【重写作文】
  请于三天后先用纸蒙住上述学生习作及范文并根据上述提示词重写作文,然后与范文进行比较和修正。 08高考书面表达剖析

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