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作者:佚名    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2010-6-9



全 国卷I——



漫画作文:餐桌,许多猫 吃鱼,就一只猫捉老鼠,其他猫说:“有鱼吃还捉老鼠?”

Why chase mice when there are fish to eat? — A cartoon showing one cat chasing a mouse while others eat fish has this as a caption.


本年国际读书日这天网上展 开了关于浅阅览的举动。甲:什么是浅阅览?乙:便是寻求简略轻松,有用风趣的阅览。联合国教科文组织选择4月23日的创意来自于一个美丽的传说。4月23 日是西班牙文豪塞万提斯的忌日,也是加泰罗尼亚区域群众节日“圣乔治节”。传说中勇士乔治屠龙救公主,并取得了公主回赠的礼物——一本书,标志着常识与力 量。每到这一天,加泰罗尼亚的妇女们就给老公或男朋友赠送一本书,男人们则会回赠一枝玫瑰花。实际上,同一天也是莎士比亚出世和逝世的纪念日,又是美国作 家纳博科夫、法国作家莫里斯 德鲁昂、冰岛诺贝尔文学奖得主拉克斯内斯等多位文学家的生日,所以这一天成为全球性图书日看来“理直气壮”。

Light Reading — "A: What is light reading? B: It is reading for the purpose of relaxation, interest, and practicality. UNESCO's selection of April 23 for world reading day arose out of a beautiful legend: April 23 is the date that famed Spanish writer Miguel Cervantes died, and it is also St. George's Day, celebrated in Catalonia. The legend goes that the knight George slew a dragon, rescued a princess, and was granted a gift in return: a book, representing knowledge and power. Every year on this day, Catalonian women will give a book to their husband or boyfriend, and the men will give a rose in return. Actually, the same day is the date of Shakespeare's birth and death, and is the birthday of authors such as William Faulkner, Maurice Druon, and Halldó Kiljan Laxness, so it is a fitting and proper choice for world reading day."

北京卷 ——

仰视星空与兢兢业业 Looking at the stars with your feet on the ground.


丹麦人垂钓材料作文:一位 丹麦人垂钓,鱼钓上来后,他用尺量了一下尺度,觉得鱼太小,就放了回去,预备等鱼长大了再钓。丹麦人去垂钓会随身带一把尺子,钓到鱼,常常用尺子量一量, 将不行尺度的小鱼放回河里。他们说:“让小鱼长大不更好吗?”两千多年前,我国孟子曾说过:“数罟不入洿池,鱼鳖不行胜食也。”意思是,不要用细密的渔网 在池塘里捕捉小鱼,这样才会有更多的鱼。实际上,其间的道理也贯穿在咱们实际日子中的许多方面。

Danish fishermen — "When Danes go fishing, they carry with them a ruler. When they catch a fish, they will measure it and toss it back if it is not long enough. They say, "Isn't it better to let the little ones grow up?" More than two thousand years ago in our country, Mencius said, "If fine nets do not enter the pools, there will be more fish and turtles than can be eaten." And in fact this principle runs throughout many areas of our lives."


我日子的国际。国际似画笔 下缤纷的颜色,国际如琴弦上跳动的音符;国际因立异而前进,国际缘调和而温馨;国际能够存在于奇特虚拟的网络,国际更演绎着普通实在的人生;国际说起来很 大,国际其实又很小…… 每个人都有自己的国际,每个人都日子在国际之中。请你结合自己的体会和感悟,以“我日子的国际”为论题,写一篇文章。

The world I live in — "The world is like a painter's dazzling array of colors, the world is a melody dancing about on an instrument; the world advances through innovation and finds warmth through harmony; the world can exist in a marvelous virtual network, and the world is expressed in the real lives of ordinary people; the world may seem large, but it is really very small….everyone has their own world, but everyone lives in the world. Sum up your experiences and understanding of 'The world I live in.'"


难题 Tough problems

江苏卷 ——

绿色日子(绿色,朝气蓬勃,赏心悦目。绿色,与生命、生态严密相连。今日,绿色成为簇新的理 念。)

Green Life — "Green is vibrant, visually pleasing. Green is intertwined in life and ecology. Today, there is a new concept of green, one that is closely connected to the lives of every person."

广东卷 ——

与你为邻(你我为邻,相互依存。你能够是有形的,也能够是无形的。邻,无法逃避,却可有所选 择。)

Neighbors — "We are neighbors and rely on each other. You might be visible or invisible. It is impossible to avoid having neighbors, but you can make a choice."


人物转化之间。(传说有的 雏鸟长大后,会衔食喂食变老的母鸟。人们把此现象称为“反哺”。人类社会也存在相似现象。年轻一代对年长一代的文明影响被称之为“文明反哺”。千百年来, 在以父辈对子辈施教为干流的正统传承方法下,文明反哺犹如潜流引而不现,但在迅疾改变的当今社会,年轻人取得了史无前例的反哺才能。他们在科学常识、价值 观念、日子方法、审美情味等各个方面,越来越明显地影响着年长一代,施教者与受教者之间,人物常常发作转化。)

As Roles Change — "When fledglings grow up, they are said to feed their aging parents with food from their own mouths. This is known as "reverse feeding". Similar phenomena exist in human society. The cultural influence of the younger generation on its elders is known as "reverse cultural feeding." For thousands of years, under the orthodox traditional model of children receiving instruction from their parents, the undercurrent of reverse cultural feeding was not obvious. But in today's rapidly-changing society, young people have a reverse feeding ability unprecedented among earlier generations. Their scientific knowledge, values, lifestyles, aesthetics and interests, are exerting a growing influence on their elders, leading to constant changes in the roles of instructor and instructed." www.021lunwen.com


人生的光影改变(人生的 全部改变,全部都有魅力,全部都是由光亮和暗影构成的。)

Light and shadow — "All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow." – Leo Tolstoy.


自主命题作文(孙悟空的筋 斗云,哪吒的风火轮,都是奇特愿望的产品,寄寓了人类渴求飞速跋涉的美好愿望。谁能想到,晚清愿望小说《新我国》预言百余年后在上海陆家嘴一带举行万国博 览会,法国科幻小说家凡尔纳愿望“从地球到月球”,在今日会成为实际?愿望源自人类的求知天性,展示了人类特殊的愿望力。愿望推进实际,愿望照亮生命,幻 想是高兴的源泉。)

Fantasy — "Sun Wukong somersault cloud and Nezha's Wind Fire Wheels are products of fantasy bearing humanity's dream to fly through the air. Who would have thought that the Fair of 10,000 Nations in Shanghai's Lujiazui district, described in the late-Qing fantasy novel New China, and the journey "From the Earth to the Moon" dreamt up by French science fiction novelist Jules Verne would become reality today? Fantasy arises from the human instinct to seek out knowledge and is an expression of humanity's uncommon imagination. Fantasy motivates reality, fantasy illuminates life, fantasy is the source of happiness…"


找回幼年(为什么要找回童 年?由于现在社会太名利了,小朋友们压力过大,幼年早已脱离.现在的社会需求纯真,需求找回幼年。)

Recovering childhood — "Why do we want to recover childhood? Because society is too utilitarian, children have too much pressure, and childhood ends too early. Society needs innocence and required a return to childhood."

福建卷 ——

《格林童话》的诞生(格林兄弟以为民间传说与人文前史有关,可是当他们搜集许多传说后又找不到 切当的联络而作罢.后来一个朋友偶尔发现他们收拾的东西,并联络出书社出书,这便是最终的《格林童话》。)

The birth of Grimm's Fairy Tales — "The brothers Grimm felt that there was a connection between folk tales and human history, but after collecting many of them without finding that connection, they gave up. Later on, a friend chanced across the things they had compiled, and arranged with a publisher to have it published, becoming what we know as Grimm's Fairy Tales."


材料作文:由点到直线到平面到立体(一个点能够构成一条线,能够构成一个平面,最终构建立 体。)

Points and Life — "A point can form a line, can form a plane, can form a body. Life is like a few unregulated points which can be connected into countless lines, which can then form different planes, which can then form different geometric objects."

陕西卷 ——

材料作文:1:把一条热带鱼放在一个小鱼缸里,它只能长到3寸巨细;把它放进大鱼池里,它才有 或许长的很大;2、狼之所以骁勇强健,是由于它长时刻日子在野外环境里;3、一位心理学家选择了10个人,并奉告他们都是有天分的人,后来这10个人都取得 了成功,但心理学家最终坦言,他们最初其实仅仅普通人。

Success and the environment — (1) A tropical fish placed in a fishbowl will only grow three inches long; placed in a pond, it can grow quite large. (2) Wolves are so strong and powerful because they live in an outdoor environment. (3) A psychologist picked ten people and told them they had extraordinary talent. They then went on to find success. Later, the psychologist admitted that they were just ordinary people.


《美好是____》(美好 是一个永久的论题,它实在地填充着咱们的日子。材料1:2009年11月19日我国青年报做的关于“美好和屋子的联络”的在线查询显现,多半我国被查询者 以为“美好和屋子有联络”,不过对此成果,日本网友的定见截然不同,约九成以上日本网友以为美好和屋子没有联络。材料2:一位哲学家不小心掉进了水里,被 救上岸后,他说出的榜首句话是:呼吸是一件多么美好的事,活着便是美好,但为什么还有那么多的人为了“所谓的美好”葬送了自己。材料3:有人以为:人生的 美好最浅层的是愿望、物质带来的,愿望和物质的人生是永不能满意的。材料4:有人以为:每个人都在寻求美好,但你不能为了寻求自己的美好而坑害了他人,甚 至坑害了国家。)

Happiness is ____ — (1) A poll on November 19, 2009 showed that 80% of Chinese respondents felt that happiness was connected to a house; more than 90% of Japanese respondents felt there was no connection. (2) A philosopher fell into the water, and after he was hauled ashore, the first thing he said was "Breathing is such a happy thing“. Living is happiness. But why do so many people ruin themselves for "so-called happiness"? (3) "At its most superficial, happiness comes from desire and material objects, but these can never be satisfied in life." (4) "Everyone pursues happiness, but in the pursuit of your own happiness, you must not harm others, or harm the country."

安徽卷 ——

作文材料:《吴兴杂诗》 (清,阮元)“沟通四水抱城斜,散作千溪遍万家。深处种菱浅种稻,不深不浅种荷花。”

Philosophical association: Take inspiration from the philosophy expressed by Ruan Yuan's "Poem on Wuxing" .


请以“早”为题,写一篇不 少于800字的议论文或记叙文。

湖南作文题一个字“早”,表面上很简略,但实际上却或许有多种意义。要是把“早”的意思说全 了,除了morning以外,还有early(早),young(早熟), premature(早产),previously(新近),as early as(及早),luckily(早该),for a long time(早已)等等。湖南的考生到底是怎样了解这个“早”字的呢?



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