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牛津9A Unit4 Grammar教案

作者:佚名    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2010-11-5

苏教版牛津9A Unit4 Grammar教案

主备人:李顺林    审阅人:李马林
教师活动 学生活动
1、 学会用between…and…和from…to…来表明一段时刻。
2、 学会用before, after, until, while, as来阐明工作发作的时刻
3、 学会运用副词的比较级和第一流。
1、 让学生学会阅览TV guide.
2、 让学生学会表述个人收看习气,对节目的喜爱。
1. words: right ,before ,after, until end farther/farthest; further/furthest friendship spaceman as/while 
2. phrases: between…and… from…to… Weather report ,prepare for… take a shower put away  get ready to do  come first/second/third…feel bored  
3. sentence patterns:
a. After that, I need to go to bed.
b.I won’t watch Cartoon World until I’ve finished my dinner.
c. Did you do anything else?
d. The story goes more slowly than they expected.
 while, as来阐明工作发作的时刻
  Period 2
Step 1导入
1.教师就Reading部分的内容向学生发问:When was Tiger Watch filmed in India?学生应该能很容易地答出:It was filmed in India between 2004 and 2006.
Simon is going to watch Sports World between10a.m. and 11.30a.m.
Between 8p.m. and 10p.m., Amy will watch Beijing Music Awards.
Millie is going to watch Murder in a Country House from 7p.m. to 9.30p.m. this coming Saturday.
From 10.30p.m. to 11.p.m.,Anday will watch Tiger Watch.
4、教师出现一张中心9套的电视节目时刻表,依据这张表提以下问题,引导学生用between…and…来答复。When can we watch Around China/ China Today/ Culture Express?

Saturday TV Schedule        CCTV-9(English)
5.30 p.m. DOCUMENTARY 7.30 p.m. DIALOGUE
6.00 p.m. BIZ CHINA 8.00 p.m. ASIA TODAY
7.00 p.m. WORLD WIDE WATCH 9.00 p.m. CHINA TODAY
7、指出between…and…和from…to…的差异。between…and…表明“在…和…之间”,与之调配的动词也能够表明只发作一次。比方,I will visit you between this Monday and Friday.而from…to…是表明“从…到…”,与之调配的动词表明一向继续发作。
①He works from nice o’clock until five o’clock. 他从九点工作到五点
②“World of Animals” is from 8:30 to 9:10 every Wednesday evening on Channel 10.
①Don’t eat between two meals. 正餐之间不要吃零食。
②Many changes took place in the world between the two world wars.
③Usually he feels very tired between 12 o’clock and 1 o’clock.一般他在十二点到一点间感到很困。
④It’s cheaper between 6 pm and 8 am.下午六点到早晨八点间价钱比较廉价。
Step 2 出现
1. 教师带领学生温习Reading部分的内容,从中抽取相关的语句板书。
(1) Some of the most famous stars will be interviewed about their recent work before the awards start.
(2) You will not find out the answer until the end of the film.
(3) After you watch this programme, you will realize how much danger these tigers face.
2. 向学生解说,咱们能够用before, after和until来表明时刻,来议论工作发作的先后顺序。这三个词能够作介词,也能够作连词后边跟时刻状语从句。
①Think well before you decide. 深思熟虑今后你再作决议。
②They had not known each other long before they got married. 他俩知道不久就成婚了。
①I’ll call you after I have spoken to them. 我和他们谈过今后会打电话给你。
②I found the letter long after he had gone away.他走后好久我才发现了那封信。
 ★until (till)作连词,引导时刻状语从句,表明“到……时;直到……停止”。以until引导的时刻状语从句,既能够放在主句之前,也能够放在主句之后。假如从句放在主句之前,一般要用逗号把它与主句离隔。以till引导的时刻状语从句,只能放在主句之后。
①I’ll wait until he arrives and then I’ll leave. 我要等他来今后再脱离。
②Go straight on until you come to a large red building.一向往前,走到一幢巨大的赤色建筑物停止。
3. 请学生阅览讲义第70页上部的解说和例句。告知学生:before, after和until引导的语句置于句首时,要用逗号将其与后半句离隔。
Step 3 操练
1、Show Ss some pictures of a student’s life. Encourage Ss to use before, after and until to describe the pictures. 


Sam gets up at 7:30 a.m. ______ he goes to school he has breakfast. Lessons start at 8:00 a.m. He won’t have lunch _____12:00. ____ around 4:50 p.m. he goes home. In the evening he watches TV for half an hour______he has supper.  ______ that he does his homework. He won’t go to bed _____ 9:00.
3、用between, from , before ,after ,until 完结下列语句  
1. ____ I saw the kangaroo, I never knew an animal can jump so high.
2. I’ll play badminton with you ______ I finished my homework.
3. We must finish it _______ 8:00p.m. and 11:00p.m. Come on! We don’t have much time. 
4. You should knock on the door ______ you come in.
5. Can you watch TV _____ 8:00a.m. to 9:30a.m.?
6. How can you know the ending _____ you read the book?
7. Can I stay ____ the weekend?
8. Sandy was reading the newspaper, ____ Millie was watching TV.
Step 4 出现
1、向学生解说while, as的意思。while / as的用法
①My father fell asleep while he was reading the newspaper.
②While mother was cooking, father was repairing the bookcase.
③While my uncle is away on holiday, I’m going to stay in his house of a week.
④While I was sleeping, a thief entered the house.
  ★as作连词用,引导时刻状语从句,意为“当……时分”,着重at the same time,不指先后,而指一起发作,尤指短动作或事情一起发作。如:
①As you leave, please take a raincoat with you. 当你脱离时,请随身带件雨衣。
②She dances as she sings. 她一边跳一边唱。
2、 while,  as用法剖析
1) 当某事正在进行的时分,又发作了另一件事。While, as 都可用来引导表明“布景”的时刻状语从句。例如:
As/While I was walking down the street,I noticed a police car.
2) 当两个长动作一起进行的时分,最常用的是while。例如:
While mother was cooking lunch, I was doing my homework.
3) 当两个动作都表明发展改变的状况时,最常用的是as。例如:
As children get older, they become more and more interested in things around them.
4) 当两个短动作一起发作时,或表明“一边…一边…”时,最常用as。例如:
Just as he caught the fly, he gave a loud cry.
She looked behind from time to time as she went
Step 5 操练

when, while, if, from.. to…, after,  before,  until, between…and…, as

I was doing my homework _____suddenly a dog came in.
2. The students sang ___they went along.
3. _____I was writing letters last night, he was watching TV.
4. My grandfather died____ I was born. I saw him only in the family photo.
5.____it rains tomorrow, I will not go to Beijing.
6. These two programmes are both interesting. You must make a choice ____Sports World ____Channel V.
7. I will not go to bed _____my homework comes back.
8. Every day he works in the factory ____morning ___ night.
9. You will know that you are wrong ____ you grow up.

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牛津9A Unit4 Grammar教案