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牛津7A Unit8 Reading1教育规划

作者:Lydia    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2014-12-20

牛津7A Unit 8 Reading1教育规划

A Teaching Designxml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />








xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />7A Unit 8 Reading 1

The fashion show

Analysis on

teaching materials

This reading material is an introduction to a fashion show which consists of introductions to 5 models on the show. The material is a script which presents the main idea in the first paragraph and key information in the first sentence of each paragraph to students. The content is close to students’ daily life and it can arouse students’ interest easily. The passage is not difficult and only some new words about materials cannot easily be understood. The article is mainly designed to help students learn the words and phrases about describing the clothes and how they look.

Analysis on learners

Grade 7 students have learned English for more than 3 years. They have accumulated certain vocabulary which can help them do some reading smoothly. Then, it is more important to teach them to  learn some reading skills, such as skimming and scanning.

Teaching objectives

including important and difficult points

By the end of the lesson, students would be able to

1.      understand and learn some new words, such as ‘wool’, ‘silk’etc;

2.      understand the main idea of the reading material.

3.      learn how to read the introduction of a fashion show.

Teaching strategies

Task-based teaching approach, situational teaching approach,

co-operative teaching approach, scaffolding teaching approach.

Teaching aids



Teaching Procedures



Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities



Warm up

and lead-in

2 minutes

Let students brainstorm.

Give a short fashion show and teach some new words.

Brainstorm about a fashion show. Describe and learn the new words.

To elicit students’ background information.


Reading activity 1:

Skim for the main idea

3 minutes

Ask students to skim the article and find out the main idea.

Skim the article and find out the main idea.

To read quickly and get the main idea. Teach students the importance of the first paragraph of an article.


Reading activity 2:

Read for details



Part 1: Ask students to read for key information in each paragraph. Pay attention to the first sentence of each paragraph.


Read for key information in each paragraph. Learn to pay attention to the first sentence of each paragraph.


1.      To teach students

to catch the key information in the first sentence of each paragraph .

2.      To understand details and learn to paraphrase the information in different forms.

Part 2: Divide students into Group A and Group B. Create information gap. Get A to read Para.2&3 and B to read Para. 4.

Ask them to exchange the information and finish the worksheet.

Group A students read Para. 2-3 while Group B students read Para. 4.

Ask and answer in pairs and finish the worksheet.

Part 3: Ask students to read and choose the right clothes for the models.

Read and choose the right clothes for the models.

Part 4: Ask students to describe what the models are wearing with the help of the pictures.

Describe what the models are wearing with the help of the pictures.

Part 5. Ask students to read and answer questions.

Read and answer questions.


Reading activity 3:




1.      Help students

make a conclusion of the structure of an introduction to the fashion show.

2.      Help students

consolidate what they have read.

3.      Ask students to

apply the reading skills in a new situation.

1.      Work out the

structure of the introduction to the fashion show.

2.      Finish some


3.      Make new

fashion design for different people in different situations.

4. Do more reading.

1.      To know about the structures of an introduction to the fashion show.

2.      To try to use new knowledge in similar situations.

V. Homework

1 minute

1. Read and copy the new words.

2. Read the material aloud.

3. Check and improve your fashion design.

Consolidate what students have learned.

Blackboard design

To introduce a fashion show


Main body




He / She looks ,,, .


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The fashion show
津7A Unit8教育规划-The fashion show


牛津7A Unit8 Reading1教育规划
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