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牛津8B Unit8 Reading1操练题

作者:佚名    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2016-4-29

9:19:452016年4月29日牛津8B Unit8 Reading1操练题
一、 依据句意和提示完结单词
1. Even numerous (为数众多的)mountains and rivers cannot __________(分隔,离隔) our friendship.
2. Dangerous driving should be seriously p__________.
3. All living things d__________on the sun for their growth.
4. Many items in daily use are made out of__________(塑料).
5. A female sheep p__________ one or two lambs at a time.
6. Our teacher does not a__________ cheating to go unpunished.
7. It won't make much d__________ whether you go today or tomorrow.
8. Her r__________ experience gave her an advantage over others for the job.

1.  In France, things like glass, plastic and paper are ____________ (separate) into different groups.
2.  It is important for us to protect nature ______________ (wise).
3.  Sorry, you’re not allowed _____________ (talk) aloud.
4.  A lot of paper toys will ______________ (sell) in charity shops.
5.  ______________ (luck), he didn’t pass the exam.
6.  The air ______________ (pollute) is much more serious than before.
7.  If you park your car in a wrong place, you ______________ (fine).

(   ) 1. It is a beautiful building _______ a big garden and many trees.
A. with  B. without  C. have       D. has
(   ) 2. _______ people went out to see what happened.
    A. Hundreds of           B. Three hundred of 
C. Hundred of        D. three hundreds 
(   ) 3. There are many ways _______ the maths problem.
A. work out B. working out  C. worked out D. to work out
(   ) 4. The game is very _______ and she’s _______ in it.
A. interesting, interesting   B. interested, interested
C. interested, interesting   D. interesting, interested
(   ) 5 --- What should we do to reduce food waste?
--- In a restaurant only order as _______ as we need and try to eat it up.
A. much  B. more  C. most   D. the most
(   ) 6. Many trees _______ on the streets every year. So the air is every fresh now.
A. plant  B. are planted  C. planted D. were planted
(   ) 7. As one of the school rules, middle school students are not _______ to smoke.
A. ordered  B. refused  C. allowed  D. forbidden
(   ) 8. If farmers _______ trees and forests, giant pandas _______ nowhere to live.
A. cut down, have    B. will cut down, will have
C. will cut down, have   D. cut down, will have
(    )9.If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, the sports meet ______ in the playground of our school.
A. is holding                B. will hold    
C. will be held              D. is to be holding
(    )10.The problem ______ in the coming meeting.
A. is discussed              B. is discussing     
C. is being discussed          D. will be discussed

A green life sometimes just needs a good idea like sharing cars(拼车). It’s a new way of thinking. You can use a car but you don’t need to own it. Now the idea of “car sharing” has become    1    in many countries.
As we know, most cars are   2    in garages for much time. In fact, we drive our own cars    3    one or two hours a day on average(均匀). When we don’t use them, we have to pay for parking and    4    things. That costs much money. To    5    money, some people come up with the idea of “car sharing”. If we share a car, we’ll only    6    when we use it.
Now many people are starting to do car sharing. In Switzerland, almost 40,000 people have    7     it. Japan is also trying to make    8    popular around the country.
Car sharing is the beginning of a new idea in    9   . It is also very easy for us to travel everywhere    10    buying a car. Do you love to share a car with others?

(     )1. A. popular B. interesting  C. funny  D. surprising
(     )2. A. washed B. driven   C. parked  D. repaired
(     )3. A. on  B. at    C. for   D. in
(     )4. A. other  B. others   C. another  D. the others
(     )5. A. make  B. save   C. find  D. waste
(     )6. A. take  B. cost   C. pay  D. spend
(     )7. A. joined  B. covered  C. dropped  D. bought 
(     )8. A. time saving B. car sharing    C. car parking D. tree planting
(     )9. A. transportation B. sports     C. games   D. fashion
(     )10. A. by  B. with   C. without D. of


牛津8B Unit8 Reading1操练题