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9A U3 Integrated Skills学案

作者:佚名    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2016-5-5

9A U3 Integrated Skills学案
chemistry    laugh at   bookworm   progress   worried   go over   aloud  pronounce   correctly   pronunciation   mention   don’t mention it
1. 其间一个尖子生                 one of the top students
2. 在考试中得高分/满分            get high/full marks in exams
3. 厌烦游水                       hate swimming (hate doing)
4. 叫她书虫                       call her a bookworm (call sb sth)
5. 当感觉悲伤的时分               when feeling sad (when doing)
6. 无视那些讪笑你的学生           pay no attention to those classmates who laugh at you
7. 为你的学业而自豪               be proud of your schoolwork
8. 这个让她感到悲伤。              This makes her feel sad.
9. 如同比曾经高兴的多             seem much happier than before
10. 发现体育困难                   find sport difficult
11. 有小的行进                     make little progress
12. 忧虑                           be worried (adj.)
13. 不要忧虑                       Don’t worry. (v.)
14. 大声读怎样样?             How about reading English aloud?
15. 试着正确地发音一切的单词。     try to pronounce all the words correctly
16. 正确的发音                     correct pronunciation

1. pay no attention to 意义是:不留意,毫不理睬。
pay attention to doing sth.  to 后边要运用动词的-ing方式。
pay much /more attention to …   多重视/更重视
(1) 他留意不宣布噪声。 He paid attention to ________ ________ noise.
(2) 凯特的妈妈之所以生她的气是因为她还不理睬自己的过错。
Kate’s mother was __________________________________
(3)The difference between the two words is worth __________
A. paying attention            B. to pay attention to
C. to pay attention             D. paying attention to

9A学案 苏教版牛津
2. laugh at sb.   讪笑,无视,因……发笑
(1) 不要讪笑处于窘境中的人。Don’t  ______________________________
(2) 我以为讪笑他人是不礼貌的。I think it’s ___________________________
(3) A person with good manners never laughs ________ people when they are ______ trouble.
A. on, in       B. in, at       C. on, at        D. at, in

3. progress   n. 行进,开展,行进,开展  (不可数名词)
make progress            获得行进
make progress with(in) …   在……方面获得行进
★in progress               正在开展中
★the progress of science     科学的行进
(1)---Can you imagine ___________ great progress in your study with no plan?
     ---If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Success doesn’t happen like magic.
A. to make     B. making a       C. making       D. to make a
      (2) _________ great progress he has made! And it’s ________ great success.
            A. What a ; /     B. What; a        C. How; a       D. Wh at; /
      (3) 为了获得行进,他学习尽力了。__________________________, he worked hard.
      (4) 在教师的协助下,那位少年已经在学习上获得了巨大的行进。
         The teenager __________________________________________ the teacher’s help.

4. go over   温习,温习,重复
(1) 咱们应该尽可能常常温习所学内容。
We should ____________ what we ________________ as often as possible.

9A U3 Welcome学案
9A U3 Reading1 学案
9A U3 Reading2学案
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9A U3 Task学案

9A U3 Integrated Skills学案
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