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牛津8B  Unit1教案

作者:王芳    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2016-7-24

江苏牛津8B  Unit1 Past and present
课题:  Integrated skills & Study skills
主备:王芳     课型:新 授    审阅:区八年级备课组
    班级           名字           学号           
单词:enviroment, condition, return, last, abroad, primary, communicate,  communication, exactly
词组:clean and fresh air, living conditions, railway station, return from, go  abroad, primary school, keep in touch with, much easier
  2. 经过听录音,获取有关星光镇改变的详细信息。
3. 依据获取的信息做笔记并完结日记。
4. 简略议论自己和朋友的曩昔和现在。
5. 了解现实与观念的差异,学习表达观念的方法,学会陈说现实并表达观念。

Step 1. Warm-up and presentation
     Talk about Zhenjiang’s past and present, then present Starlight Town.
Step 2. Listening& practice
    1. Listen and finish Part A1and Part A2. Then check the answers.
    2. Listen to the tape for the third time.
    3. Read Daniel’s diary and finish Part A3 with the words in the box.
    4. Check the answers and underline some difficult phrases.
    5. Discuss the changes to Starlight Town.
Step 3. Speak-up
      1. Listen to the dialogue between Millie and Sandy and answer some questions.
      2. Listen again and repeat.
    3. Make up dialogues about changes in your life.
Step 4. Homework
    Finish off the exercises on the teaching and learning paper.

It is not easy to get used to the changes of life quickly.
get used to 意为“习气于”,其间to是介词,其后接名词或动名词。
e.g. He is used to               himself. 他习气于自己照料自己。
I’m sure I’ll            the hard work. 我坚信我会习气这项艰苦的作业。
剖析:used to do sth意为“从前常常做某事”,其后跟动词原形,表明曩昔的习气,常常发作的动作或状况。
e.g. He               a teacher in our school. 他从前是咱们校园的一名教师。
be/ get used to doing sth意为“习气于做某事”,后接名词或动名词。
e.g. The old man ___          ____a simple life. 这位白叟过惯了俭朴的日子。
be used to do sth意为“被用来做某事”。
e.g. The bamboo ___             ____a kite. 这竹子是用来做风筝的。


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牛津8B  Unit1教案