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牛津8下  Unit 5

作者:佚名    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2016-8-19

牛津8下  Unit 5
论题 Good manners
词汇 重要单词 词形变化 词义剖析
 manners politely
litter  tap
obey  queue
proper conversation
avoid  subject
behave public
push  touch
loudly discussion
express explain
warn  risk
pain  gain
indeed  practice
purpose  content
conclusion polite—impolite—politely
success—succeed—successful—successfully loudly/loud/aloud
hear/listen/listen to
sometime/some time
sometimes/some times
too much/much too/too many


 1. come on             过来 ,加油
2. its bright light        它的亮堂的光
3. the light on the plane      飞机上的灯
4. too small         太小
5. be full of         充溢,装满
6. amazing things                    一些美妙的工作
7. imagine that                               幻想那个
8. write an article        写一篇文章
9. show you a book about some unusual things  给你看一本关于不同寻常工作的书
 *show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.              把某物给或人看
10. work in pairs        两人一组
11. match them with the sentences          将他们与语句配对
12. in the back of elephants’ feet                 在大象的脚背里
13. the same size from birth          和出世时尺度相同
14. stop growing           中止成长
15. sleep with their eyes open     睁着眼睛睡觉
16. fun facts         风趣的现实
17. as usual         和平常相同
18. put the story on his blog         将故事发布到博客上
19. the ghost in the park       公园里的鬼
20. sit under the big tree       坐在大树下
21. hear a whisper from the bushes    听到一声低语/一个古怪的声响
22. listen (to sb.)carefully      认真地听(或人说话)
23. search the bushes             搜索灌木
24. stand beside the tree             站在树后
25. leave the park quickly                       很快的脱离公园
26. in the bushes        在灌木丛中
27. turn around        转过身来
28. run away quickly       迅速地走开
29. What happened?       怎样了?
30. Here it is!         在这里
31. say to oneself        喃喃自语
32. pick up the little cat       捡起小猫
33. sound like a whisper 宣布象低语的声响
34. later that day        那天晚些时候
35. take the little cat to the animal center   将小猫带到动物中心
36. reply to sb                     回复或人
37. happen to do sth                          碰巧做某事
38. be very surprised                         十分惊奇
39. say sth happily                           快乐的说某事
40. find a little cat in the bushes                 发现一只小猫在灌木从里
41. talk about things in the past                 议论曩昔的事
42. go to Sunshine Park                       去阳光公园
43. want to do sth                            想做某事
44. practise doing sth                         操练做某事
45. spend three hours in the museum             花三个小时在博物馆
46. take a lot of photos                        拍许多相片
47. buy cards of the animals there               在那儿买动物的卡片
48. come back to school                       回到校园
49. tell him about the visit                      告知他关于这次观赏
50. see a small monkey, only 11centimetres tall     看见一只小猴子,只是11厘米高
51. learn about some strange birds like dodos       了解像渡渡鸟的一些古怪的鸟
52. live on the earth a long time ago               很久以前住在地球上
53. show Suzy some pictures      给苏西看一些图片
54. be afraid of animals       惧怕动物
55. can live up to 150 years old     能够活到一百五十岁
56. write a thank-you letter to…     给…写一封感谢信
57. learn/know more about…         对…了解更多
58. be surprised to know       很吃惊的知道
59. have only seven bones in its long neck   它的长脖子只要七块骨头
60. live on the ground, in trees, or in water    日子在地面上,树上,水里
61. live without water for a long time     没有水也能日子很长时刻
62. can smell things well      嗅觉好
63. keep our house clean       坚持房子整齐
64. not... any more        不在...
65. hear of          传闻
66. three different ways of doing sth.    做某事的三种不同办法
67. draw 3-D pictures with chalk                 用粉笔画3D图片
68. learn about an artist                         了解一个画家
69. know more about animals                    更多的了解动物
70. live in very dry places                       住在十分干旱的当地
71. tell her some interesting things about animals    告知她一些关于动物的风趣的事
72. watch a short film                           看一个短片
73. play some amazing games                     玩一些令人惊奇的游戏
74. meet Sandy outside a museum                  在博物馆外面碰到桑迪
75. amazing things            令人惊奇的事物
76. plan to write an article about…    方案写关于。。。的一篇文章
77. collect some information      搜集一些信息
78. get its name from a man called               得名于一个叫。。。的人
79. love playing cards very much                十分爱打牌
80. did not want to stop for meals                不想停下来吃饭
81. put meat between two pieces of bread   把肉夹在两片面包之间
82. learn to do this kind of food     学着做这种食物
83. name the food after the man     以这个人的姓名命名
84. later became popular all over the world         后来风行全国际
85. about 2000 sets in use                      大约有2000台电视被运用
86. about 29 TV sets per 100 people             每一百个人中大约有29台电视机
87. now TV can be as large as 152 inches         现在电视的尺度大到了152 英寸
88. live in a wonderful world with a lot of amazing things
89. 住在一个充溢着惊奇工作的奇特国际里。
90. have at least one TV      至少具有一台电视
91. be surprised to learn all these     惊奇地了解到一切的这些东西
 *be surprised to do sth. / be surprised at sth.



 1.You’re old enough to learn about manners now.
2.What do you mean?
3.Don’t cut in on others.
4.You’re never too old to learn.
5.Always wait politely.
6.It’s one’s turn to do sth.
7.What’s the proper way to greet people there?
8.They shake your hand when they meet you for the first time.
9.How do people only start a conversation? 
They talk about the weather,holidays ,music, books  or something else.
10.But avoid subjects like age,weight and money.
11.Do people there behave politely in public?
12.They think it’s rude to push in before others.
13.If they bump into someone in the street ,they will say “sorry”.
14.If your are in their way, they won’t touch you or push past you .
15.They will say “excuse me “and be polite enough to wait till you move.
16.British people are very polite at home as well, aren’t they?
17.Any other tips for us if we’re going to the UK?
18.I’m sure they are helpful to us .
19.I hope so. Just as the saying goes ,”when in Rome ,do as the Romans do .
20.They avoid talking about age, weight or money.
21.Daniel is talking about the differences in manners between the UK and China.
22.Today we have invited Jenny to talk about manners in the UK.
23.Hit someone or something by accident .
24.Do we need to improve our manners?=Need we improve our manners?

语法 1.  Enough to的用法  主语+动词+形容词/ 副词+enough (for sb ) to do sth
2. Too…to的用法
主语+动词+too +形容词/副词 ( for sb ) + to do sth
主语+动词+so +形容词/ 副词+that +主语+动词
写作论题 写关于一个国家的餐桌礼仪的陈述

牛津8下  Unit 1
牛津8下  Unit 2
牛津8下  Unit 3
牛津8下  Unit 4
牛津8下  Unit 6

牛津8下  Unit 5
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