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牛津8下  Unit 6

作者:佚名    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2016-8-19

牛津8下  Unit 6
论题 Sunshine for all
词汇 重要单词 词形变化 词义剖析
operate—operation hope/wish/expect
not…any more/no more
not…any longer/no longer
首要短语 1. train sb.  练习或人                    
2. support sb.(sth)  支撑…
train to do sth.练习做…              
train to be / as …练习作为….           
receive training 承受练习               
3. provide sth. for sb.provide sb. with sth. 供给或人某物
4. write to local government 给当地政府写信
5. be successfully held  被成功举行         
6. volunteer for ….为…自愿服务
be a volunteer for…. 为….当一名自愿者
work as a volunteer
volunteer to do sth.  自愿做….
7. give sb. a chance (to do sth.) 给或人一次时机
8. show sb. sth.= show sth. to sb.       给或人展现….                     
show the skills to the world    
9. children and adults with intellectual disabilities       有残障的儿童和成人
10. be similar to….  与….相似          
11. over = more than   超越
12. give up their spare time for ….         为….. 抛弃他们的闲暇时刻
13. a coach for….   …. 的一名教练    
14. be born with  … 天然生成/生来有….
15. try one’s best (to do sth.) 极力(做…)
16. finish fourth   取得第四
17. feel more confident (sure)  感到愈加自傲 
18. because + 语句  because  of + 短语  
19. bring people together 把人们聚到一同      
20. from different  backgrounds  来自不同的布景
21. feel like  … 感觉像….  feel like doing sth.  想要做….
22. work (closely) with…. 与…(亲近)协作   
23. offer to help without getting paid              
24. donate money to charities 捐款给慈善机构   
25. help blind people cross the road
26. win the competition   赢得竞赛            
27. with the help of…. 在….的帮忙下  without the help of… 没有…的帮忙
28. make sure  坚信…..                        
29. have experience   有阅历                 
30.1) need sb./sth.      need experience   需求阅历                 
2)need to do sth.  need to be more  patient
3)need sb. to do sth.
31. have some trouble doing sth. 做…有困难        
32. make friends with sb.  与或人交朋友          
33. donate blood to people in need 献血给需求的人
34. in public/  in public places
35. work as a volunteer/ volunteers            
36. in our daily lives 在咱们的日常日子中
37. save our pocket money and donate it to people in need
38. give food to homeless people             
39. give a helping hand 伸出帮忙之手
40. have a serious blood disease  得了一种严峻的血液疾病
41. do an operation /  do operations  做手术   operate on….
42. what to expect  等待什么              
43. hope to do sth. 期望做….  hope (that) + 语句
   expect sb./ sth.             expect to do sth. 等待做某事 
   expect sb. to do sth. 等待或人做某事         
44. have enough money for such an operation


 1. 为奥运会做些作业很有含义。It’s meaningful to do something for the Olympics.
2. 我想要你帮我。I want you to help me.
3. 我需求更多的一些食物在作业时吃。I need some more food to eat at work.
4. 咱们应该极力去帮忙他们。We should try our best to help them.
5. 无家可归的人没有他们自己寓居的当地。Homeless people don’t have their own places to live.
6. 有些其它的方法帮忙他们吗?Are there any other ways to help them?
7. 第12届特奥会于2007年在上海成功举行。The 12th Special Olympic World Games were successfully held in Shanghai in 2007. = The 12th Special Olympic World Games took place successfully in Shanghai in 2007.
8. 作为自愿者作业真的很精彩。It’s fantastic to work as a volunteer.
9. 特奥会给有智力缺点的孩子及成人向国际展现才能的时机。The Special Olympic World Games give children and adults with intellectual disabilities a chance to show their skills to the world.
10. 他们包含很多与奥运会相似的项目,如篮球、足球和游水。
They include many events similar to those in the Olympics, such as basketball, football and swimming.
11. 在这些自愿者行使责任之前,承受练习是有必要的。
It was necessary for the volunteers to receive training before doing the tasks.
12. 他们为运动员们供给支撑,帮忙使本届赛事取得巨大成功。
They provided support for the athletes and helped (to) make the event a great success.
13. 他生下来就有智力缺点。He was born with intellectual disabilities.
14. 参加这项竞赛,他真的非常英勇。It was very brave of him to join /take part in the competition.
15. 对李海来说,最重要的事不是赢得金牌或银牌,而是参加。
To Li Hai, the most important thing is not to win a gold or a silver, but to take part.
16. 李海尽了最大尽力并取得第四名。Li Hai tried his best and finished fourth.
17. 来自不同布景的运动员和自愿者感觉像大家庭的一部分。
Athletes and volunteers from different backgrounds feel like part of one big family.
18. 关于咱们来说能和这些特别运动员们亲近协作真的很棒。你有时机帮忙他们完成愿望。
It’s great for us to work closely with these special athletes. You get to help them achieve their dreams.
19. 你听说过比尔盖茨吗?Have you heard of Bill Gates?
20. 你一定能取得游水竞赛的成功。You’re sure to win the swimming competition.
21. 特奥会包含哪些项目?What events are included in the Special Olympics World Games?
22. 成为这么一项赛事的自愿者通常是令人惊喜的阅历。
Being a volunteer for such an event is often an amazing experience.
23. 照顾失踪的宠物是正确的行为。It’s proper to take care of a lost pet.
24. 关于人们来说,学习杰出的礼仪很重要。(2种)
It’s important for people to learn good manners. = It’s important that people learn good manners.
25. 关于他们来说没有自愿者的帮忙,做一对一的作业简直不可能。
It’s impossible for them to do their work one-to-one without the help of volunteers.
26. 与智障的人攀谈你遇到费事吗?Do you have any trouble talking to people with intellectual disabilities?
27. 咱们需求愈加耐性。但是,人们与他们交朋友很简单。
We need to be more patient. However, it’s very easy for people to make friends with them.
28. 处处乱扔废物,这些人的行为是过错的。It’s wrong of the people to drop litter everywhere.
29. 这名年轻人很仁慈,他献血给需求的人。It’s kind of the young man to donate blood to people in need.
30. 用这种方法,他们能帮忙当地人改进他们的日子。In this way, they can help the local people improve their lives.
31. 天空不如曾经那么蓝。The sky is not as blue as before.
32. 咱们需求采纳举动保护环境。We need to take action to protect the environment.
33. 他从上个月一向患病住院。He has been ill in hospital since last month.
34. 手术可能会抢救他,但要花费30多万元。An operation may save him, but it will cost over 300,000 yuan.
35. 但是对他来说赶快做这个手术很重要,不然,他可能会失掉生命。
However, it’s important for him to have the operation as soon as possible. Otherwise, he may lose his life.
36. 假如咱们都能伸出帮忙之手,他不久就可能恢复健康。
If all of us can give a helping hand, he may get well again soon.
37. 多谢你们的帮忙!Thanks a lot for your help!
38. 咱们有必要采纳办法来帮忙。We must do something to help.


语法  1. It is + adj. + to do sth
2. It is + adj. +for sb + to do sth
=Doing sth is +adj. for sb .
形容词表明不定式所具有的特征或客观情况,描绘的是作业如:hard, difficult, easy, important, interesting, necessary, unnecessary, possible, impossible , useful, useless, boring, exciting,介词for的宾语的动作的逻辑主语
3. It is + adj.+of sb + to do sth
=Sb is +adj. (+enough ) to do sth .
    形容词描绘的是人的特征、质量等,如:brave, careless, clever, foolish, generous, good, helpful, honest, kind, nice, polite, silly, stupid, wrong, right, bad, strong, kind ,nice, wise, selfish, generous, careful, careless


写作论题 写一份信呼吁人们互相帮忙

牛津8下  Unit 1
牛津8下  Unit 2
牛津8下  Unit 3
牛津8下  Unit 4
牛津8下  Unit 5

牛津8下  Unit 6
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