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Module10 Unit3知识点概括

作者:殷华新    文章来历:泰州市第三高级中学    更新时刻:2017-1-28
Module10 Unit3知识点概括
  1. abrupt a. 忽然的,意外的;冒失无礼的
  His abrupt reply hurt our feelings. 他粗鲁的答复伤害了咱们的爱情。
  abruptness n. 忽然
  abruptly adv. 忽然地,意外地
  The secretary abruptly left the conference room. 书记忽然脱离会议室。
  2. weep (wept, wept) vi. 哭泣, 流泪 n. 一阵哭泣
  Allow yourself to weep for things you have lost. 容许你为自己现已失掉的事物而哭泣。
  She wept the loss of her mother. 她由于失掉了妈妈而哭泣。
  weep for / over... 为……而哭泣
  weep to see... 由于看到……而哭泣
  a weeping willow 枝条下垂的垂柳
  We had wept for / over the death of our parents. 咱们为爸爸妈妈的离世而流泪。
  3. cure n. 药,药物;疗法;处理问题的办法,对策;阶段
  There is still no known cure for Aids but it can be treated. 艾滋病尚没有切当的治好办法但可以治疗。
  v. 治好,治好;去处理问题
  90 per cent of the patients can be cured of the disease. 这种病90%的患者能治好。
  I finally managed to cure the rattling noise in my car. 我终究设法处理了轿车宣布的吱吱声。
  4. contrary adj. 相反的(常作定语)n. 相反(事物)
  His mother had given him contrary messages. 他母亲给他的音讯正好相反。
  by contraries 与预期的相反
  on the contrary 与此相反;正相反
  Many events in our lives go by contraries. 咱们的日子中有不少适得其反的工作。
  You werent boring me. On the contrary, youre interesting me frightfully. 你没有使我厌烦,正相反,你使我很感兴趣。
  5. familiar adj. 了解的,亲切友好的,密切的
  He is a familiar friend of mine. 他是我的一个密友。
  sb. be familiar with sth. 或人对某事了解
  sth. be familiar to sb. 某事对或人来说是了解的
  Most Chinese people are familiar with the four great inventions in ancient China. 大多数国人了解我国四大发明。
  These tales are familiar to Chinese children. 这些传说关于我国小孩而言是听惯了的。
  6. burst (burst, burst)
  1) n. 爆炸;爆炸;爆裂
  a burst in a waterpipe 水管的决裂
  a burst of anger, enthusiasm, etc 怒火﹑热心等的爆发
  a burst of applause 一阵喝彩
  2) vi. & vt.(使某物)爆炸;胀破;爆炸
  If you blow that balloon up any more, it will burst. 那气球再吹就要破了。
  burst in (a room, etc.) 忽然进入(房间等)
  The police burst in (through the door) and arrested the murderer. 差人忽然闯进(房门)拘捕了那个凶手。
  burst into sth. 忽但是猛烈地宣布或产生出某事物
  The aircraft crashed and burst into flames. 飞机坠毁起火。
  burst into tears, song, angry speech 忽然哭、唱、吵起来
  burst on / upon sb. / sth. 忽但是意外地出现在或人(某物)面前
  The truth burst upon him. 他忽然了解了本相。
  burst out
  (a) 忽然激动地说;叫嚣
  “I hate you!” she burst out. “我厌烦你!” 她叫嚣道。
  (b) 忽然开端(做某事)
  burst out crying / laughing / singing 忽然哭起来(笑起来/唱起来)
  7. bid n. 出价;招标,招标;尽力,妄图 v. 叫牌
  Several companies will bid for the contract. 数家公司要招标争夺合约。
  in a bid to do sth. 为了做某事
  The company cut prices just before the holiday in a bid to support sales. 为了进步销量,这家公司在节假日前就下降了价格。
  8. messy adj. 散乱的;污秽的;费事的
  mess n. 紊乱;龌龊
  be in a mess 乱七八糟
  make a mess of 把……搞得乌烟瘴气
  The manager left our company in a mess. 司理让公司十分紊乱。
  You have made a mess of the job. 你把这件事办得乌烟瘴气。
  9. appetite n. 胃口,胃口;嗜好;强烈欲望
  have a good appetite 胃口好
  lose ones appetite 没有胃口
  have an appetite for 喜爱;巴望
  When I was ill I completely lost my appetite. 我患病时彻底没有胃口。
  My sister has an appetite for American country music. 我妹妹喜爱美国乡村音乐。
  10. slide n. 下降,阑珊;滑动 v. 下降,阑珊;(使)滑动,滑行
  slide 过去式 slid; 过去分词 slid
  slide into 逐步堕入(恶习);衰完工
  The children are sliding on the ice. 孩子们在冰上滑行。
  Housing prices may begin to slide. 房价可能要开端跌落。
  Take heroin for example, users may slide into addiction. 以海洛由于例,啃咬者可能会上瘾。
  1. devote himself to
  devote (oneself / ones life / time / money / energy) to (doing) sth. 把……献给……;把……用在……
  He devoted his whole life to working for the motherland. 他把一生献给了祖国。
  devoted adj.; devotedly adv.; devotion n.
  be devoted to (doing) sth. 聚精会神于;忠于
  She is devoted to her studies. 她专注于她的学习。
  His devotion to the cause of education is wellknown. 他对教育事业的献身精神是众所周知的。
  2. provide... with...
  provide... with... 供给或人某物
  We should provide them with additional background. 咱们应该给他们供给额定的布景材料。
  =We should provide additional background for them.
  supply... with...
  offer sb. sth.
  The Red Cross supplies disaster victims with food and shelter. 红十字会为受灾的人供给食物和住处。
  The company offered him a promotion. 公司给他升了职。
  3. have access to
  have access to 得以挨近;得以进入;得以运用
  Every student in our school has access to the library. 在咱们校园每位学生都可使用图书馆。
  4. end in 以……告终
  The meeting ended in disorder. 会议在一片紊乱中完毕。
  end up doing sth. 成果……,终究……
  end up with sth. 以……告终
  We were going to a concert, but end up watching videos at home. 咱们原计划去听音乐会,但成果却在家看录像。
  She ended up her speech with a short poem. 她朗读了一首短诗完毕了她的讲演。 Module10 Unit3学习要点
Module10 Unit3练习题

Module10 Unit3知识点概括
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