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作者:吴明山    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2017-2-12

  1. When doing the financial transaction for the sale, insist on a cash payment, or cashers check.
  to a cash payment or cashers check when doing financial transaction.
  该句中的要害短语insist on意为“坚持”的意思,而表格中所供应的结构则是别的的方式,因而要清晰哪一个短语能够替换insist on,由表格中空格后的介词to可知此处应填“Stick”,从而与上句构成含义上的共同。
  2. The use of these resources cannot go on indefinitely—we would run out.
  The use of these resources cant be replaced and they would be up.
  原文论说了自然资源不行再生,咱们将会用完。句中的要害短语为run out,而表格中却换用其他表达方式,由空格后所供应给的词汇up和前面的be能够判别该词应填“used”, 与文章中的run out殊途同归。
  3. Another concern is that as medical expenses increase with age, the demands of the growing aged population will eventually lead to medical schemes to face bankruptcy.
  The demands of the growing aged population will eventually in the bankruptcy of medical schemes.
  对照表格的规划能够看出原文中的要害词为lead to,与之含义附近的短语有contribute to, result in或动词cause等。从表格后的空格所供应的词汇in能够判别此处应填“result”才干与原文中的含义对等。
  4. Finally, an important step to ensure a bright future for all is to do away with negative stereotypes that see valuable members of society only as pensioners or patients.
  People should get of negative stereotypes that see valuable members of society only as pensioners or patients.
  阅览原文的语句能够知晓,其要害的短语是do away with意为“废弃”的意思。而表格的规划则是以get开端,并与后边的介词of构成了固定的短语,由此能够确认此空格应填“rid”才干与原句的意思一脉相承。
  经过上述的几例能够看出,在中有许多的短语在含义上常常能够替换运用,而出题者也常常会把一些含义附近的短语出现于使命型阅览的规划中。因而在温习时学生应将某些含义附近的短语进行概括才干未雨绸缪。如:make use of与take advantage of;take part in与participate in;be made up of与 consist of 等这些短语中的advantage,participate,consist等词都是出题者在规划经常考虑的词汇。

  1. Behavioral scientists have done countless experiments to prove that people have a tendency to repeat an act which has been immediately followed by a pleasant result.
  Findings of experiments on profits of praise: Everybody to repeat an act if praised more often.
  根据文中语句的含义能够判别其要害的言语在于have a tendency,意为“有一种倾向”,而表格中只能填一个单词,而所填的词汇根据前面的主语Everybody能够确认应是动词方式,由此能够确认应填“tends”才干与文章中的意思符合。这样的填词既考察了学生对言语的了解,也考察了学生言语运用的才干。
  2. Perhaps its because few of us know how to accept praise gracefully. Instead, we are embarrassed and ignore the words we are really so glad to hear.
  Reasons for unwillingness to give praise: We feel embarrassed and ignore the words pleasant to our ears than accept them gracefully.
  阅览原文的语句能够确认整个语句中的要害词是Instead,而对照表格中的言语以及空格后的词汇than能够清晰是标明转机的联系,因而此处应填“rather”, 才干与上面句中的Instead一脉相承。因而在阅览文章时应留心某些要害的词汇,做到方式与含义的共同性,才干保证其正确性。
  3. A new study suggests that early exposure to germs helps make the immune system become strong.
  Early exposure to germs the immune system.
  根据文章语句的含义“一项新的研讨标明前期露出于细菌之中有利于免疫系统更强”。该句的要害词汇是become strong,而表格中却以更为简练的方式加以论说,因而应考虑怎样才干用适宜的词汇表达出become strong的意思,而实义动词“strengthens”适可而止地表达了此意。

  4. You are expected to know that every step counts and that setting up goals is easy, but following them on a consistent basis is difficult.
  You should be that its difficult to follow your goals consistently.
  要想在该空格上填上恰当的词汇实属不易,由于在原句中难以找到与之含义附近的词汇,因而许多学生一挥而就地将原句中的counts填入空格,而由对照表格中的should be可发现这明显不当,由于前面是be,由此可确认此处应填形容词,经过句中的are expected to know可判别应填conscious才干与之在含义上挨近。
  5. Official statics show that at the primary stage, there are a big number of rural students, who drop out of school because they dont have the money to pay their tuition fees.
  A large number of rural primary school students have to quit school because they cant to pay for their education.
  阅览该句可知填词的根据应放在dont have the money to pay their tuition fees上,对照表格规划中的cant能够看出此处应填动词原型,并且要与pay their tuition fees的意思不约而同,所以经过酌量能够确认应填“afford”才干与原文的句意相得益彰。

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