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高中Module 11Unit 3

作者:佚名    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2018/3/10

高中Module 11Unit 3
  1. receipt n.
  【指点】 “收到;收据;收入”如:I wrote her a receipt for the money. 我为那笔钱给她开了张收据。
  【拓宽】 v.“收到,开收据”如:His work is to receipt for each lot of goods. 他的作业是给每一批货品开收据。
  【高考链接】 —Can you tell us your ______for happiness and a long life? (2016江苏卷24)
  —Living every day to the full, definitely.
  A. recipe B. record
  C. range D. receipt
  【解析】 A。试题剖析:考察名词词义剖析。名词recipe诀窍,食谱,药方;record记载;range规模;receipt收据,收条;依据句意可知A项意为“诀窍”,与上下文相符。
  2. tire v.
  【指点】 vi.“疲惫;厌恶”vt.“使……疲惫;使……厌恶”n.“轮胎;头饰”如:The girl tires easily. 这女孩简单疲惫。If driving tires you, take the train. 假如开车使你疲惫,那就坐火车吧。The right tire blew out. 右轮胎爆裂了。
  【拓宽】 tire of“厌恶,厌烦”如:I have tired of these computer games. 我现已对这些电脑游戏感到厌烦。
  tired adj.“疲倦的;厌恶的,厌烦的”如:He dragged his tired feet slowly along.他拖着疲倦的脚步慢慢地走着。Michael is tired and he has to rest.迈克尔累了,他不得不歇息。
  be tired out=be worn out“疲惫不堪”;be tired of = be bored with“厌恶了”如:They were cold, hungry and tired out.他们又冷又饿,疲惫不堪。You may be tired of working for someone else.你或许厌恶了为他人作业了。
  3. boom v.
  【指点】 vt.“使兴隆;发隆隆声”vi.“急速开展;发隆隆声”n.“昌盛;吊杆;隆隆声”如:How long can the present business boom last? 现在这种商业昌盛能继续多久? But some of the boom is based on hope. 可是,也有些昌盛是建立在期望之上。
  【拓宽】 boom town“新式城市”;boom years=boom times“昌盛时期”;boom out“消沉地宣布;用消沉的声响说话”如:They had the jobs in the boom times and bought homes. 他们曾经在经济昌盛的年代有过作业,买了房子。I’ve been in Las Vegas for 20 years and it’s always been a boom town. 我已在拉斯维加斯20年了,它一向都是一个昌盛的城市。His voice boomed out from his office. 他的声响嘹亮地从工作室里宣布来。
  4. possess v.
  【點拨】 vt.“具有,具有;持有;操控;使把握”如:Some animals possess the characteristic of man.有些动物具有人类的特征。
  【拓宽】 possessive adj.“一切的;占有的;一切格的”possession n.“具有;产业;领地;克己;入神”常用词组:have possession of具有;take / gain / get possession of拿到,占有;in possession of具有;in one’s possession = in the possession of sb. 某物为或人一切

 5. shrink v.
  【指点】 vt.“畏缩;使缩小;使缩短”vi.“缩短;畏缩”n.“缩短;畏缩”如:This kind of cloth shrinks easily. 这种布爱缩水。How much must we allow for the shrink? 要留多少缩水长度?There’s a cat shrinking on the sofa. 有只猫蜷缩在沙发上。
  【拓宽】 shrink into oneself“缩作一团;变得默不做声”;shrink from sb.“不见或人”;shrink from doing sth.“不肯做某事”如:Facing the disease, no one can shrink from helping the victims.面临这一灾祸,没有人会不伸出援手,协助那些受灾的人。
  1. take off
  【指点】 take off“起飞;脱下;脱离;度假;成功”如:The plane will take off at ten. 飞机将于十点钟起飞。He wouldn’t take his hat off. 他不肯脱下他的帽子。Her schedule hadn’t permitted her to take time off. 她的日程表已不答应她度假。Smith took off at once and headed for the hotel. 史密斯出其不意地当即就脱离了,然后回到了旅馆。In 2008, he met Alice, and his career took off. 他于2008年遇到爱丽丝,从此他的工作青云直上。
  【高考链接】 Many businesses started up by college students have ______ thanks to the comfortable climate for business creation. (2016江苏卷30)
  A. fallen off B. taken off
  C. turned off D. left off
  【解析】 B。试题剖析:考察动词短语剖析。短语fall off下跌,下降;take off起飞,成功,受欢迎;turn off封闭;leave off中止,中止;依据句意可知B正确。
  【拓宽】 由take构成的其他词组:take away拿去,取走,减去;take down拿下,取下,记下;take hold of捉住,把握;take in收进,了解,诈骗;take out取出,除掉;take part in参与;take it easy别严重,悠然自得,轻轻松松;take up拿起,开端从事,接收,占;take advantage of使用
  2. fold up
  【指点】 “关闭;放手;倒台;抛弃;折叠”如:
  Many larger enterprises folded up during those difficult years. 在那些困难的年月里许多大企业都关闭了。
  Fold up the chairs after sleeping. 睡过觉把椅子折起来。
  When his wife left him, he simply folded up. 他妻子离他而去后,他就彻底垮掉了。
  3. be blessed with sb. / sth.
  【指点】 bless vt.“祝愿,保佑,赞许”如:God bless you all. 愿上帝保佑你们。Fate blessed him with great talent. 命运之神赋予它巨大的天才。
  be blessed with sth. / sb. 赋予(才能等);享有 (美好等) 如:Both are blessed with an uncommon ability to fix things. 两人都有幸具有不寻常的修补东西的才能。
  【拓宽】 blessed adj.“美好的,受祝愿的,崇高的”如:But I also feel very blessed to be able to do what I do. 可是我也对自己可以做想做的事感到十分走运。
  blessing n. “祝愿,赐福,祷告”如:A double blessing has fallen upon the house. 双喜临门。
  4. pass away
  【指点】 pass away“度过,消磨时刻,消失,逝世”如:
  The storm should pass away before dark. 天亮前风暴就会中止了。
  Talking with friends soon passes an evening away. 和朋友谈天一个晚上很快就度過了。
  【拓宽】 由pass构成的其他词组:pass by经过;走过;逝去;pass down传下来;遗传;pass into考进;逐步变成;pass off中止;完结;忽视;pass on传递;pass on to传给;传达;传递……给……;pass out昏倒;失去知觉;分发;pass over跳过;忽视;宽恕;逃避;pass through穿过……;经过……;pass to传到;转到;评论;pass up回绝;把……向上递

高中Module11 Unit 4

高中Module 11Unit 3

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