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高中Module11 Unit 4

作者:佚名    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2018/3/10

高中Module11 Unit 4
  1. preview n.
  【指点】 preview n.“预习,预览,预告;试映;事前查看”如:

  It also provides a preview of the next release to interested customers. 它也为感兴趣的顾客供应了下一个发布版别的预览。
  【拓宽】 preview vt.“预观,预演 (喜剧等),预映 (电影);试映;预展,预习”如:Preview the information centre to see and adjust the results.预览信息中心以便查看和调整这些成果。
  2. terrify v.
  【指点】 terrify vt.“使惧怕,使惊骇,使惊吓”如:Flying terrifies her. 坐飞机让她惧怕要命。
  【拓宽】 terrifying adj. “令人惊骇的;骇人的;极大的”如:I still find it terrifying to find myself tied to a tree. 我发现被捆在树上仍是很吓人。
  terrified adj.“使惊骇,使惊吓,恫吓”如:They were terrified out of their senses. 他们被吓得丢魂失魄。terrify sb. into doing sth. 恫吓或人做某事;be terrified of对……感到惊慌;be terrified at / with被……吓一跳
  3. sharpen v.
  【指点】 sharpen vt.“削尖;磨快;使灵敏;加剧”vi.“尖利;变尖利”如:
  Sharpen your pencils before the test. 考試前把铅笔削尖。
  Once successful hunt is enough to sharpen their inborn skills. 一次成功的打猎满足磨炼他们天然生成的技术。
  【拓宽】 sharpen one’s knife for sb. 预备赏罚 (或进犯) 或人;sharp adj.“急剧的;激烈的;灵敏的;尖利的”如:as sharp as a needle“极尖利;十分机警”He has a sharp tongue. 他这张嘴可厉害了。The masses have sharp eyes.大众的眼睛是雪亮的。sharply adv. “急剧地;锋利地”;sharpener n.“卷笔刀”;sharpness n.“锋利;严峻;极速”
  【高考链接】 A quick review of successes and failures at the end of year will help your year ahead. (2017江苏卷30)
  A. shape B. switch
  C. stretch D. sharpen
  【解析】 A。考察动词剖析。A. shape刻画,决议……的构成,影响……的开展;B. switch改变,沟通,调班;C. stretch拉长,拉紧,扩展,伸长;D. sharpen进步,使尖利,变得明晰。句意:快速回忆一年的胜败将会决议来年的开展。故选A。
  1. at some point
  【指点】 at some point / moment“在某个时刻”如:The emotions will surface at some point in life.各种心情都会在生活中的某个时刻流露出来。
  【拓宽】 at all points“在各方面”;to the point“简练中肯”;go off the point“离题”;on the point of doing sth.“就要做某事”;in point of“就……而言”;off the point“离题的”;There is no / not much point in doing...“做……没有用”如:
  He was on the point of going out when it began to rain. 他正要出去天开端下雨了。
  What you write should keep to the point. 你写的东西应该贴题。
  2. put away
  【指点】 put away“积累;把……放回原处;放好”如:
  Put away clothes when you take them off. 脱下来的衣服要放好。
  She finished putting the milk away and turned around. 她把牛奶拾掇完后转过身来。
  【拓宽】 常见的以put最初的短语:put aside不答理;忽视; put forward提出;向前拨; put off 推延;put on穿上;添加 (体重等);演出;put up举起;搭起;粘贴;供应食宿;put up with忍耐;忍耐; put together把……放在一同;算计;put back康复正常;把……放回原处; put down记下;put in花费;支付;正式提出;put into effect施行;收效;put into operation施行;使收效;使运转;put into practice施行;施行
  3. make good use of
  【指点】 make good use of“好好使用”如:We should make good use of our natural resources.咱们应该好好使用自然资源。
  【拓宽】 make the most of = make the best of充分使用;take advantage of使用;be made from由……制成(看不出原资料);be made of由……制成(能看出原资料);be made up of由……组成;make for走向;有利于;make oneself understood表达自己;make out起草;了解;开 (支票等);make up补偿;假造;补偿
  【高考链接】 See, your computer has broken down again! It doesn’t sense to buy the cheapest brand of computer just to save a few dollars. (2015天津卷14)
  A. have B. make
  C. display D. bring
  【解析】 B。试题剖析:句意:看,你的电脑又坏了!只为省几美元买最廉价牌子的电脑是没有意义的。考察动词短语的固定调配:make sense有意义。依据句意可知选B。

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高中Module11 Unit 4

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