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作者:英文报导    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2017-5-14


You are writing a paper and need to use some information to support your ideas, but you plan to make it up by yourself. You should think twice before doing this – you may be on your way to academic dishonesty.
你要写一篇论文,就需求用一些信息来支撑你的观念。但是,你却方案自行假造这些信息。这么做之前你可得三思 —— 由于你或许要构成学术失期。

On April 21, German publishing house Springer Nature announced that it took back 107 papers from its medical journal Tumor Biology because of academic dishonesty – a form of cheating which includes copying others’ work or making up references. All of the papers were from Chinese writers, according to The Beijing News. Some of them even study at top Chinese medical research centers, such as Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University and Peking Union Medical College Hospital.
4月21日,德国出书社施普林格•天然宣告将撤下医学期刊《肿瘤生物学》上的107篇论文,原因是学术失期 —— 这是学术诈骗方式之一,包含抄袭别人著作、假造参考文献等行为。据《新京报》报导,一切被撤下的文章均由我国作者所编撰。其间一些作者乃至还在国内顶尖医学研讨中心进行研讨,如复旦大学隶属华山医院以及北京协和医院等。

The papers were taken back as they gave fake peer reviews, an important part of published papers. Peer reviewing is when work is reviewed by experts to make sure it’s correct before being submitted for publication. Springer Nature discovered that the email addresses used by the recalled papers’ peer reviewers were fake.



According to Hu Xingdou, a professor at the Beijing Institute of Technology, China’s academic evaluation system may be the reason for the high level of dishonest work.

“In China, many academic institutions use the quantity of articles published by an academic as the standard of evaluation, which causes some research fellows to only chase the quantity instead of the quality of their study results,” Hu told the Global Times.

An unnamed doctor who has worked in Guangzhou for five years agreed with Hu.

Under the current evaluation system, he needs to publish two papers and a research project to become an associate chief physician.

“It is like a mission impossible. As a clinician, I work five days a week from dawn to dusk. This is a public hospital and I always work overtime. It would be extremely difficult for me to write papers,” he told Xinhua News Agency.

Hu suggested that to reduce academic dishonesty, Chinese academia should focus more on quality and make peer reviews public.

In December, the National Natural Science Foundation of China disclosed several cases of scientific misconduct in an effort to reduce academic dishonesty.

“There is no excuse in any case for academic fraud. Academic misconduct should be seriously dealt with,” Zhao Zijian, an expert working for China’s national “Thousand Talent” program, told Xinhua.


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