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英文朗诵:Make Way for Duckling

作者:佚名    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2013-9-19

英文阅览:Make Way for Duckling 让路给小鸭子
Mr. And Mrs. Mallard were looking for a place to live. But every time Mr.Mallard saw what looked like a nice place, Mrs. Mallard said it was no good. There were sure to be foxes in the woods or turtles in the water, and she was not going to raise a family where might be foxes or turtles. So they flew on and on.


When they got to Bostom, they felt too tired to fly any further.There was a nice pond in the Public Garden, with a little island on it. “The very place to spend the night”,quacked Mr. Mallard. So down they flapped.


Next morning they fished for their breakfast in the mud at the bottom of the pond. But they didn’t find much.


Just as they were getting ready to start on their way, a strange enormous bird came by. It was pushing a boat full of people, and there was a man sitting on its back. “Good morning,”quacked Mr.Mallard, being polite. The big bird was too pround to answer. But the people on the boat threw peanuts into the water, so the Mallards followed them all round the pond and got another breakfast, better han the first.


英文朗诵-Make Way for Duckling

“I like this place,” said Mrs. Mallard as they climbed out on the bank and waddled along. “Why don’t we build a nest and raise our ducklings right in this pond? There are no foxes and no turtles, and the people feed us peanuts. What could be better?”
“Good,” said Mr. Mallard, delighted that last Mrs. Mallard had found a place that suited her. But


“Look out!” squawked Mrs. Mallard, all of a dither. “ You’ll get run over!” And when she got her breath she added: “This is no place for babies, with all those horrid things rushing about. We’ll have to look somewhere else.”


So they flew over Beacon Hill and round the State House, but there was no place there.


They looked in Louisburg Squere, but there was no water to swim in.


Then they flew over the Charles River. “This is better,”quacked Mr. Mallard. “That island looks like a nice quiet place, and it’s only a little way from the Public Garden,”“Yes,”said Mrs. Mallard, remembering the peanuts. “That looks like just the right place to hatch ducklings.”


So they chose a cozy spot amony the bushes near the water and settled down to build their nest. And only just in time, for now they were beginning to molt. All their old wing feathers started to drop out, and they would not be able to fly again until the new ones grew in.


But of course they could swim, and one day they swam over to the park on the river bank, and there they met a policaman called Michael. Michael fed them peanuts, and after that the Mallards called Michael every day.


Afer Mrs. Mallard had laid eight egges in the nest she couldn’t go to visit Michael any more, because she had to sit on the eggs to keep them warm. She moved off the nest only to get a drink of water, or to have her lunch, or to count the eggs and make sure they were all there.


One day the ducklings hatched out. First came jack, then kack, and then Lack, then Mack and Nack and Quack and Pack and Quack.. Mr. And Mrs. Mallard were bursting with pride. It was a great respondsiblity taking care of mso many ducklings, and it kept them very busy.

有一天小鸭子们出生了,第一个是Jack,然后是Kack,Lack, Mack和Pack,最终是Ouack.麦乐先生和夫人都感到骄傲极了,这是一个多么大的职责照料这么多的小鸭子,使它们十分繁忙。


英文朗诵:Make Way for Duckling