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作者:吴春晓    文章来历:中学    更新时刻:2008-11-19

  Perhaps the more we learn about Greek myths, the more we find it difficult to avoid mentioning a god—Apollo. As the son of Zeus, he is also the most famed offspring1) of Zeus. He is often described in art as a god braver than Ares, more intelligent than Athena, more resourceful2) than Hermes, more artistic than Dionysus, and more passionate than Eros.
  The Image of Apollo
  In art, Apollo inspired many painters and sculptors. His usual image is a beardless long-haired youth in his early or mid twenties, with a laurel wreath3) on head, leaning on a crane with a serpent, with bright sunshine surrounding him or with arrows and a bow or else with a lyre4) in his arms.
  Offices and Attributes
  Apollo's attributes are many: the tripod5), omphalos6), lyre, bow and arrows, laurel, hawk, raven and snake and finally a golden chariot.
  A tripod is a thing on which a priestess would sit on to announce an oracle7), symbolizing his office as a god of prophecy8); omphalos is an oval carved rock, said to have appeared first after the great flood as the center, navel9) of the universe.
  Lyre is the instrument indicating his power as a god of musical arts; bow and arrows are both weapons and tools for him to send plague10); laurel is to remind him and us of his first love; raven and snake are symbols of intelligence, indicating his power as a god of medicine; a golden chariot is the symbol of his power as the sun god.
  Establishing His Own Kingdom—Delphi
  Greek myths seem to be far away from our life, but when we take a closer look, we can find they have been a very important part in ancient Greek life and now the remaining buildings continue to inspire people. Delphi is such a historical site.
  Now Delphi is an archaeological11) site and a modern town in Greece. In myth, after Apollo killed the Python—the guardian dragon, he was punished by Zeus to work as a shepherd for a mortal king for eight years. Eight years later, Apollo returned to this site and established his worship.
  Probably "Delphi" has something to do with dolphins. According to legend, Apollo took the form of a dolphin and swam out to the sea to capture12) a group of sailors, making them his first priests13). Others say, he came to Delphi with some Cretan priests on the backs of dolphins. Anyway, the site from then on was named Delphi and became a place for Apollo to give his oracle.

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希腊神话: 维纳斯
[希腊神话]阿基里斯 Achilles
