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Adonis and Aphrodite in Myth

作者:外国文明    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2009-11-4

Aphrodite, playing one day with her boy Eros, wounded her bosom with one of his arrows. She pushed him away, but the wound was deeper than she thought. Before it healed she beheld Adonis, and was captivated with him. She no longer took any interest in her favorite resorts - Paphos, and Cnidos, and Amanthos, rich in metals. She absented herself even from heaven [Olympus], for Adonis was dearer to her than heaven. Him she followed and bore him company. She who used to love to recline in the shade, with no care but to cultivate her charms, now rambles through the woods and over the hills, dressed like the huntress Artemis; and calls her dogs, and chases hares and stags, or other game that it is safe to hunt, but keeps clear of the wolves and bears, reeking with the slaughter of the herd. She charged Adonis, too, to beware of such dangerous animals. "Be brave towards the timid," said she; "courage against the courageous is not safe. Beware how you expose yourself to danger and put my happiness to risk. Attack not the beasts that Nature has armed with weapons. I do not value your glory so high as to consent to purchase it by such exposure. Your youth, and the beauty that charms Aphrodite, will not touch the hearts of lions and bristly boars. Think of their terrible claws and prodigious strength! I hate the whole race of them. Do you ask me why?" Then she told him the story of Atalanta and Hippomenes, who were changed into lions for their ingratitude to her. 
Having given him this warning, she mounted her chariot drawn by swans, and drove away through the air. But Adonis was too noble to heed such counsels. The dogs had roused a wild boar from his lair, and the youth threw his spear and wounded the animal with a sidelong stroke. The beast drew out the weapon with his jaws, and rushed after Adonis, who turned and ran; but the boar overtook him, and buried his tusks in his side, and stretched him dying upon the plain.
Aphrodite, in her swan-drawn chariot, had not yet reached Cyprus, when she heard coming up through mid-air the groans of her beloved, and turned her white-winged coursers back to earth. As she drew near and saw from on high his lifeless body bathed in blood, she alighted and, bending over it, beat her breast and tore her hair. Reproaching the Fates, she said, "Yet theirs shall be but a partial triumph; memorials of my grief shall endure, and the spectacle of your death, my Adonis, and of my lamentations shall be annually renewed. Your blood shall be changed into a flower; that consolation none can envy me." Thus speaking, she sprinkled nectar on the blood; and as they mingled, bubbles rose as in a pool on which raindrops fall, and in an hour's time there sprang up a flower of bloody hue like that of the pomegranate. But it is short-lived. It is said that the wind blows the blossoms open, and afterwards blows the petals away; so it is called Anemone, or Wind Flower, from the cause which assists equally in its production and its decay.




有一天,这对夫妻竟拿自己的女兒斯米尔娜(Smyrna)与爱神维纳斯相提拼论。自称女儿Smyrna比维纳斯还要美。真是犯上作乱, 居然敢向爱之女神呛声...真是不想混, 几乎就自负到了极点!此话一出,当然引起了很多女神和女性都公认的佳人维纳斯的愤恨。

维纳斯愤恨命令自己的兒子--小爱神爱罗斯用爱情之箭射向斯米尔娜的背面, 让她爱上她接下来遇到的第一个男人。成果,好死不死的在斯米尔娜中箭后第一个遇到的男人,居然是她老爸,基尼拉斯国王。

真是悲慘。害得斯米尔娜得了严峻的相思病。而古时有个怪习气,那便是在爱之女神维纳斯的祭拜日时, 一切已婚的妇女都不好自己的老公同床共枕。那天, 夫人们会和未曾谋面的路人共榻而眠;就在这天暮色时分,斯米尔娜与喝醉的父亲发生了性关系。

成果,国王身体太好,一发就中。斯米尔娜怀了自己父亲的小宝宝。結果一天天腹胀的肚子纸包不了火而被基尼拉斯国王发现了。国王就诘问女儿:“乖~~女兒...告知爹第, 你肚中小孩的生父是谁的?”


哇! 基尼拉斯国王发飚了。拿著心爱的剑追着斯米尔娜,欲要把她杀了。斯米尔娜逃呀逃,怎样逃都无法逃脱,总算被国王捉到。就在基尼拉斯王要將刀刺入斯米尔娜胸口的那一霎那,话说这时, 爱之女神维纳斯把斯米尔娜变成了一棵没药树(Mryyh tree)。

事隔一段时刻后, 维纳斯女神把树中的小孩取了出來,然后藏在桃金娘中交给了冥界王后泊瑟芬(Persephone) , 还告知她不可以把桃金娘中翻开。维纳斯越讲,泊瑟芬就越想开来看。成果她隐秘行事而发现箱子里的东西便是未足月的小男婴。

后来, 在没药树里诞生的那名小孩称阿多尼斯(Adonis)。


在里边Adonis    便是美少男
an extremely attractive young man 帅气青年(源自希腊神话中的美少年阿多尼斯)

希腊神话: 维纳斯
[希腊神话]阿基里斯 Achilles

Adonis and Aphrodite in Myth