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作者:不知道    文章来历:网络    更新时刻:2006-12-25


1. it's up to you.(由你决议。)

2. i envy [仰慕]you.(我仰慕你。)

3. how can i get in touch with you?

4. where can i wash my hands? (请问洗手间在哪里?)

5. what's the weather like today?(今天天气怎样?)

6. where are you headed [朝…方向跋涉]? (你要到哪里去?)

7. i wasn't born yesterday.(我又不是三岁小孩。)

8. what do you do for relaxation[消遣、文娱]?(你做什么消遣?)

9. it’s a small world.(国际真小!)

10. it’s my treat[请客、招待] this time.(这次我请客!)

11. the sooner the better. (越快越好。)

12. when is the most convenient [便当的;便当的] time for you?

13. take your time.(慢慢来/别着急。)

14. i'm mad about bruce lee.(我迷死李小龙了。)    i'm crazy[入神的;疯狂喜好的] about rock music. (我对摇滚乐很入神。)

15. how do i address you?(我怎样称号你?)

16. what was your name again? (请再说一次姓名好吗?)

17. would you care for[喜爱] a cop of coffee?(要被咖啡吗?)

18. she turns me off.(她使我厌烦。)

19. so far so good.(目前为止,全部都好。)

20. it drives[强逼;迫使] me crazy.(它掌握逼疯了。)

21. she never showed up[到会;出面].(她一向没有呈现。)

22. that's not like him.(那不象是他的风格。)

23. i couldn't get through.(电话打不通。)

24. i got sick and tired of hotels.(我厌烦旅馆。)

25. be my guest.(请便、别谦让)

26. can you keep an eye on my bag?(帮我看一下包好吗?)

27. let's keep in touch.(让咱们保持联络。)

28. let's call it a day[决议或赞同暂时或永久中止(进行某事)].

29. i couldn't help[防止;阻挠] it.(我没办法。)

30. something's come up[发作/呈现].(有点事/出事了)

31. let's get to the point[关键/核心问题].(让咱们来谈关键。)

32. keep that in mind.(记住那件事。)

33. that was a close call.(太风险了/危如累卵)

34. i'll be looking forward to it.(我将等待这一天。)

35. chances are slim[迷茫的;细小的].(时机很小。)

36. far from it.(一点也不。)

37. i’m behind in my work.(我工作进度落后了。)

38. it's a pain in the neck[费事的事(人)].(那真是件费事事)

39. we're in the same boat.(咱们境况相同。)

40. my mouth is watering.(我在流口水了。)

41. what do you recommend?(你引荐什么?)

42. i ache all over.(我浑身酸痛。)

43. i have a runny nose.(我流鼻涕。)

44. it's out of the question.(这是不可能的。)

45. do you have any openings?(你们有空缺吗?)

46. it doesn't make any difference.(没什么不同/无所谓。)

47. i'm fed up[极端厌烦] with him.(我受够他了。)

48. you can count on[盼望;依靠] us.(你可以信赖咱们。)

49. it doesn't work.(坏了;不动了。)

50.it's better than nothing.(总比什么都没有好。)

