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作者:杨善江    文章来历:中学生    更新时刻:2007-8-31

1. little, a little
  [同] 两者都可用作名词、形容词或副词,均能够在句中作主语、宾语、定语或状语。作定语时,两者都只用来润饰不可数名词。
  [异] little 表明否定意义,意为“很少;几乎没有”, a little 表明必定意义,意为“有一些;有一点儿”。例如:
  —Can you speak English? 你会讲吗?
  —Yes, but only a little. 会,但只会一点儿。
  I am new here, I know little about the school. 我是新来的,对这个校园不太了解。
  He sleeps little. 他睡得少。
  He slept a little. 他睡了一瞬间。
  [操练] 用 little 或 a little 填空。
  1. I have very ______ time for reading.
  2. I have______time, so I can help you.
  3. We have lots of homework every day. We sleep very______ .
  Key: 1. little 2. a little3. little
  2. All right, That’s right, That’s all right
  [同] 这三个短语和语句中都含有right, 方式上类似。
  [异] 1) “All right.”独自使用时,表明同意对方的定见或约请,意为“行,好,能够”, 相当于“OK.”。例如:
  —Let’s play soccer. 咱们踢足球吧!
  —All right. 好吧!
  2) “That’s right.”表明同意对方的观念或观念,意为“对,不错;确实”,相当于“You’re right.”。例如:
  —I think she is twelve.我以为她12岁。
  —That’s right. 不错。
  3) “That’s all right.”主要有两种用法:一是用来回应他人的感谢,意为“不用谢”或“别谦让”,相当于“Not at all./That’s OK./You’re welcome.”;二是用来答复他人的抱歉,意为“不要紧”,相当于“That’s OK./It doesn’t matter.”。例如:
  (1) —Thank you very much. 非常感谢你!
  —That’s all right. 别谦让。
  (2) —I’m sorry. I’m late. 对不住,我来晚了!
  —That’s all right. 不要紧。
  [操练] 用 All right, That’s right 或 That’s all right 填空。
  1. —Let’s meet at six this afternoon.
  2. —Thanks for your help.
  3. —Sorry, I can’t help you.
  4. —You come from Shanghai, I think.
  Key : 1. All right2. That’s all right3. That’s all right
  4. That’s right
  3. family, house, home
  [同] 这三个词都与“家”有关。
  [异] 1) family 意为“家庭”,与家庭成员有关,不触及寓居的房子。当 family 作全体概念的“家庭”解且在句中作主语时,谓语动词用第三人称奇数方式; 当 family 作“家庭各个成员”解并作主语时,谓语动词用复数方式。例如:
  My family is happy. 我的家庭很美好。
  My family are very well. 我的家人身体都很好。
  2) house 意为“房子”,侧重于表明全家人所寓居的建筑物。例如:
  We live in a new house. 咱们住在新房子里。
  There are many new houses here. 这儿有许多新房子。
  3) home 意为“家”,指一个人出世和寓居的当地,它具有 house 所没有的爱情颜色,如情感、聚会等。 home 还可用作副词,意为“到家”、“在家”。例如:
  My home is in Beijing. 我的家在北京。
  My home is not far from school. 我的家离校园不远。
  East, west, home is best. 金窝,银窝,不如自己家的草窝。
  Tom isn’t at school. He’s at home. 汤姆没上学,他在家里。
  [操练] 用 family, house 或 home 填空。
  1. There are three people in my______ , my father, my mother and I.
  2. He bought a new______at a good price.
  3. My______are watching TV now.
  4. When do you often get______ ?
  5. I live in Wuhan, but my______is in Guangdong.
  Key: 1. family2. house3. family4. home5. home
  4. and, with
  [同] 两者都可表明“和”的意思。
  [异] and 是连词,衔接两个并排的词、词组或语句,可译为“和”、“而”、“又”等,由 and 衔接的前后成分的方式应相同。with是介词,这以后跟名词或代词作宾语,意为“和……一同”或“跟……一道”,这以后跟人称代词时,人称代词要用宾格方式。例如:
  I like swimming and dancing. 我喜爱游水和跳舞。
  I help him with his English and he helps me with my math. 我帮他学,他帮我学数学。
  Tom often goes shopping with me. 汤姆常常跟我一同去购物。
  [操练] 用and 或with填空。
  1. The boy is______his mother.
  2. Let’s go______play soccer.
  3. Our teacher is very strict______I’m usually very tired after class.
  4. I’m very well.______you?
  5. Would you like to go______her?
  6. We get up at 6∶30,______then we have a quick breakfast.
  Key: 1. with2. and3. and4. And5. with6. and

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