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作者:佚名    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2014-9-19


一. 单词
1. adj.口渴的thirsty
2. adj.诚笃的,正派的honest
3. n.隐秘secret
4. 保存隐秘keep a secret/keep secrets
5. n.欢喜,快乐;趣味joy
6. vi.& vt.关怀,重视,介意care
7. 关怀,关怀care about
8. pron.你自己yourself
9. n.(13至19岁的)青少年teenager
10. n.杂志magazine
11. adj.美观的,美丽的good-looking
12. adj诙谐的 humorous
13. adj.礼貌的polite
14. adj.爱整齐的,整齐的tidy
15. v.成为;合适make
16. vt.信赖trust
17. n.谎话lie
18. n.打趣joke
19. adj.确实的;确实true
二. 词组和语句
1. 饥饿be hungry
2. 喝/吃的一些东西something to drink/eat
3. 做某事怎样样?What about doing sth.?
4. 再多一些食物some more food
5. 还需两个苹果need two more apples/need another two apples
6. 你碗里的披萨the pizza in your bowl
7. 青少年杂志Teenagers magazine
8. 约请或人做某事 invite sb. to do sth.
9. 写信给或人 write to sb.
10. 写有关他们最好的朋友write about their best friends
11. 对或人又协助be helpful to sb.
12. 一个诚笃的男孩an honest boy
13. 使我快乐make me happy
14. 使或人做某事make sb. do  
15. 使咱们大笑make us laugh
16. 和或人共享某物share sth. with sb.
17. 共享我的欢喜share my joy
18. 说谎(2) tell lies/tell a lie
19. 与或人攀谈talk to/with sb.
20. 告知他有关你自己的全部tell him everything about yourself
21. 预备/乐意做某事be ready to do
22. 某方面有问题have problems with sth.
23. 信赖他说的话believe what he says
24. 信赖他们trust them
25. 讲诙谐的笑话tell funny jokes
26. 赞同或人agree with sb.
27. 你想要来一些吗?(2)Do you want some?/Would you like some?
28. 我能来点喝的吗?Can I have something to drink?
29. 或许咱们能够共享它。Maybe we can share it.同义句 We may share it.
30. 冰箱里什么也没有。There’s nothing in the fridge.
31. 什么使你的朋友如此特别?What makes your friend so special?
32. 什么样的人合适做好朋友?What makes good friends?
33. Jack长什么样?(3)What does Jack look like?/How does Jack look?/What’s Jack like?
34. 你悲伤的时分她关怀你吗?Does she care about you when you are sad?
35. 好朋友应该诚笃。Good friends should be honest.
一、 单词
1. adj.大方的,大方的generous
2. adj.乐意的,乐意的willing
3. adv.在任何时分any time(=anytime)
4. n.嗓音voice
5. n.歌手singer
6. adv.简直,差不多almost
7. adj.圆形的round
8. n.感觉;观念,认识sense
9. n.<英>诙谐 *humour =<美>humor
10. adj.无聊的bored
11. vi.可包容,装进fit
12. vt.碰,撞;把……碰击成knock
13. prep.到…的上面onto
14. adj.垂直的straight
15. adj.心爱的,惹人喜欢的sweet
16. vi.浅笑smile
二、  词组和语句
27. 我最好的朋友之一one of my best friends
28. 最长的河流之一one of the longest rivers
29. 乐意、乐意做某事be willing to do sth.
30. 在作业方面协助我help me with my homework
31. 把座位给需求的人give one’s seat to someone in need
32. 具有好嗓音have a good voice
33. 咱们班最高的男孩the tallest boy in our class
34. 戴小而圆的眼镜wear small round glasses
35. 使他看起来神情make him look smart
36. 具有很好的诙谐感have a good sense of humour 同义:be very humorous
37. 感到无聊feel bored
38. 走过咱们的课桌walk past our desks
39. 把咱们的书和钢笔撞到地板上knock our books and pens onto the floor
40. 敲门knock on/at the door
41. 亮堂的大眼睛big bright eyes
42. 长长的直发long straight hair
43. 说或人的坏话say a bad word about sb.
44. 一个真实的朋友a true friend
45. 忧虑或人worry about sb.
46. 令或人忧虑worry sb.
47. 告知她任何事tell her anything
48. 长大后她想成为一名歌手She wants to be a singer when she grows up.
49. Max的腿在他的课桌下伸不开。Max’s legs do not fit under his desk.
50. 她比我矮。She is shorter than I am.
51. 当有事使我留神时,我总能找到她。When something worries me, I can always go to her.
一. 单词
1. n.特性personality
2. vt. & vi. 挑选;挑选choose
二. 词组和语句
1. 对或人大方 be generous to sb.
2. 在将来 in the future
3. 拿手讲笑话be good at telling jokes
4. 你会挑选谁做你最好的朋友?Who would you choose as your best friend?
5. Betty只对白叟友善。Betty is kind to old people only.
6. Max戴着他的小而圆的眼镜看起来很神情。Max looks smart in his small round glasses.

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