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作者:佚名    文章来历:wzhai    更新时刻:2015-6-15



1. A. The woman should go on playing chess.
2. D. Mary probably knows Sally’s new address.
3. B. His notes are not easy to read.
4. D. The man had better choose another restaurant.
5. C. He has been looking forward to spring.
6. B. The man appreciates the woman’s help.
7. B. Go to work on foot.
8. A. Temporary closing has disturbed the airport’s operation.


【总评】:8 个短对话整体来说比以往四级听力要难,推理判别题居多,并且本年的听力原文中更倾向于挨近实在日子,呈现了白话中的省掉现象。

1. 首要考察的是推理判别的才能。
本题的要害在于听懂反诘句和反诘的语调。男人说:“Is that any reason to quit? 这能是你抛弃的理由吗?”反诘口气表必定!换句话说,男人的主张是你应该好好持续下棋。

2. 首要考察抓听细节的才能。
本题的要害在于听到细节“Mary should know it. ”男人说自己手边有一堆Sally的函件需求寄给她,所以需求知道她的地址。女士说自己很久没跟Sally联络了,可是完毕说了一句:“Mary应该知道地址。”

3. 首要考察的是推理判别的才能。
这道题同样是一个反义疑问句,表达必定意思。要害听到男人的那句:“You’ve never see my handwriting, have you?”“你从没看过我的笔迹吧?”话外音能够推理出来便是:我的笔迹很难认,你必定看不出来我写的是什么笔记。

4. 首要考察的是推理才能。

5. 首要考察的是抓听细节和推理判别的才能。

6. 首要考察的是抓听细节才能。
要害听到男人说的那句:Many thanks for letting me use them. 太感谢你让我看他们了。thank和选项中的appreciate为近义词。

7. 首要考察的是抓听细节才能。
本题是典型的动作判别题。通过选项满是动词短语就可判别应该抓听动词。而本题最要害的是细节:I decided to walk to work.和选项中的Go on foot. 为同义表达。

8. 首要考察的是抓听细节的才能
本题要害是听到男人的话:男人说今早机场封闭了一段时刻了,并且依然没康复正常。其间的closed for a while和选项中的Temporary closing同义。

9. C. It has a chemical processing plant.
10. D. He’s a salesman.
11. C. Mr. Grand’s personal assistance.
12. B. Provide details of their products and services.

13. A. She listened to recordings of many European orchestras.
14. D. She began taking violin lessons as a small child.
15. A. It was the chance of a lifetime.

长对话 点评


首要讲了一位化学产品公司的推销员想要向其他公司引荐自家公司产品的进程。 对话最初男人先标明自己的身份和想要引荐产品的目的,但遇到的问题是男人需求找的Mr. Grand十分忙,没空处理这件事。女士作为Mr. Grand的助理开端处理,问题的终究处理是要求男人供给自己家产品的具体介绍邮递过来。

这是典型四级听力作业类长对话的形式:先作业方面的介绍,然后谈到作业中遇到的问题,终究是问题的处理。别离设置了这3个考点。相对而言,作业类考题比较难的当地在于部分词汇会形成搅扰:例如,公司名Liquid Control Products,chemical processing, personal assistance, reference等,但除了personal assistance直接与考点相关外,其他单词没听懂考生也应彻底不纠结。而personal assistance在选项中为所听即所得。





16. B) His personal history is little known.
17. D) He was a member of the town council.
18. C) Possible sources of clues about him were lost in a fire.


19. A) Theft.
20. B) Have the right documents.
21. B) Use official transport.

短文1&2 点评

Passage One

16. What does the speaker say about William Shakespeare?
答案:B) His personal history is little known.

17. What do we learn about Shakespeare's father?
答案:D) He was a member of the town council.
【点评】本题考察现实细节。文章中说到莎士比亚的父亲受人敬重,是Stratford-on-Avon镇议会的一名成员。选项a member of the town council与原文彻底对应。

18. Why does the speaker say parts of Shakespeare's life will remain a mystery?
答案:C) Possible sources of clues about him were lost in a fire.
【点评】本题考察现实细节。文章中说到莎士比亚一部分的日子将永久不为人所知。由于1666年伦敦的一场大火把许多重要文件烧毁了,而这些原本可能是了解莎士比亚的重要头绪。所以答案挑选Possible sources of clues about him were lost in a fire。

Passage Two

19. What is mentioned as a most common danger when people go travelling abroad?
答案:A) Theft.

20. What is the most important thing to do when you prepare for your trip abroad?
答案:B) Have the right documents.

21. What does the speaker suggest you do when you arrive at your destination?
答案:B) Use official transport.
【点评】文章终究说到,抵达目的地后要挑选乘坐正式的交通工具,不要搭乘陌生人的车。选项use official transport和文中彻底一致,所听即所得可得出答案。


22. C) Sell inexpensive products.
23. A) At a meeting of top British businesspeople.
24. D) Insulted.
25. B) There should be a limit to one's sense of humour.


26. prospering
27. decade
28. opposite
29. sustain
30. In simple terms
31. establish
32. reasonably
33. take into account
34. misleading
35. using up



36. A) announcing
37. K) entitled
38. G) critically
39. L) potential
40. D) commitment
41. H) develop
42. J) enhance
43. O) retain
44. E) component
45. C) challenges


46. K
47. A
48. G
49. I
50. B
51. D
52. E
53. H
54. F
55. J

46. Some people propose laws be made to stop McDonald's from attaching toys to its food specials for children.
47. Fast-food firms may not be able to cope with pressures from food regulation in the near future.
48. Burger King will start to sell Seattle's Best coffee to increase sales.
49. Some fast-food firms provide healthy food to give the impression they are helping to tackle the obesity problem.
50. During the recession, many customers turned to fast food to save money.
51. Many people eat out less often to save money in times of recession.
52. During the recession, Burger King's promotional strategy of offering low-priced items often proved ineffective.
53. Fast-food restaurants can make a lot of money by selling breakfast.
54. Many fast-food companies now expect to increase their revenue by introducing higher-priced items.
55. A newly-passed law asks big fast-food chains to specify the calorie count of what they serve on the menu.


Passage One
56. B) It will protect them from sunburn.
57. A) It is ineffective in preventing melanomas.
58. D) Daily application of sunscreen helps reduce the incidence of melanomas.
59. A) It misleads people to rely on sunscreen for protection.
60. A) Using both covering up and sunscreen.

Passage Two
61. B) Well-educated people tend to work longer.
62. B) A rapid technological advance.
63. A) Economic growth will slow down.
64. C) Even wealthy people must work longer to live comfortably in retirement.
65. D) Skills are highly valued regardless of age.

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