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英文俚语:Poker Face

作者:佚名    文章来历:本站原创    更新时刻:2014-9-19

英文俚语:Poker Face
Poker face直译便是扑克脸,而它在俚语中的意思的确与扑克有关,这个典故咱们将在末节中回答。

A face that shows no emotion or intention



[唐顿庄园 S04E03]

A: You may have won it all back by the end.

B: Not a chance. I hope you can all keep mysecret? I wouldn't want to worry Lady Grantham.

A: We must practise our poker face.

A: 没准到最后你全赢回去了呢。

B: 得了吧,不过期望你们能替我保存隐秘,我不想让格兰瑟姆夫人忧虑。

A: 那咱们得练练面无表情了。

[情人 S01E08]

A: My heels were killing me.

B: Yeah. And you walked the whole place in your stockings. And then you lost your poker face and started placing all the furniture.

A: 我的高跟鞋摧残死我了。

B: 是啊,你穿戴袜子逛了一整圈,然后你就没再板着脸,开端摆放一切的家具。

[末世 S02E11]

A: What were you thinking, Tom?

B: I don't know what you're talking about.

A: Don't give me that poker face. You broke into his office.

A: 你在想什么呢,汤姆?

B: 我不知道你在说什么。

A: 别对我摆出不苟言笑的脸,你闯入了他的办公室。

结语:Poker face起源于工作扑克牌手在竞技中,为了不让对方看穿自己的牌面,要始终保持面无表情,也便是“扑克脸”。现在引申为板着脸、不苟言笑。可调配的动词有,Give/Lose/Practise poker face.

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英文俚语:Poker Face